Friday, August 31, 2007


Yeah, there ought to always be another way to do some things. Honestly, is there a reason to think I would not be better off thinking there are times when I'm better off figure a different way to do junk.

See, I think the junk is what matters since it normally is what gets forgotten. It is never the important stuff. Just the crap. Now the important stuff might be crap, but people don't necessarily see it that way.

I do. I mean I sure know a lot of so called good stuff that is more a pain in the butt that honestly good. And the place I see this the most is at work.

Well not at work so much in terms of STINK's headquarters. Important junk there is normally important junk.

Nope, it is more like when we are out somewhere and actually doing our jobs that the important stuff stops being important. Like when somebody else thinks it sucks.

But that is kind of normal when you are talking filth and grime. We wouldn't even have jobs I guess if people took that stuff more serious.

So it does require a little effort to help them to see the light. That normally is this big flashlight that I carry and use to bash people on the head when they don't get it.

I am glad it don't take forever to get that message across. Have had a few hard heads that needed to be whacked more than once.

And let me tell you that can be such a big pain in the ass. Well, actually it is pain in my arms.

Because they get so dang tired when I have to whack people too many times. Yeah, it is such a pain when you have some people you have to hit so many time you arms get tired.

That just takes all the fun out of it. You sit there and get do dang exhausted and know when you are all done, they still won't get it.

Because you can figure that when they get out of the hospital and are conscious again they will go right back to doing the same thing. And that is why I normally take time to like you know make sure I break an arm or two legs to help inspire them to be more careful next time.

Might at least slow them down a little. Still trying to get Otis to let me try the other idea. That is where I park a truck on their chests.

Only for a little bit you understand. He keeps claiming you know it might gets us a parking ticket. Not sure I'm buying it, but can't think of a way around it right now.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "How do they grow powdered onions? I want to see the seeds for that."

Thursday, August 30, 2007


You know dumps can really be cool places. Oh yeah they can such great locations for finding the most amazing things. I know I love poking around them at times.

It is so much fun to discover some of the treasures that people just discard so thoughtlessly. Really does make you sad to see the tragedy of how some people get so dang indifferent to stuff that is worth something.

But there just is nothing very surprising about this if you ask me. People are down right weird in that regard at times.

Yeah, it really leaves me wondering what is up with some people. They just never get it when it comes to stuff like what is garbage and what is treasure.

Personally, I ain't that impressed that people know the difference. I mean like the other day.

My buddy Otis and I were over at the dump and looking around. I was so shocked. Sitting there was this perfectly good refrigerator.

Can you imagine somebody tossing away something as good as that? It just needed a little work.

I mean it was missing a door. But heck I'm sure a piece of cardboard would have taken care of that problem.

And it did have some dents and rust spots. A little paint would have fixed that problem. Well in my opinion.

True, there was not motor either. But heck I'm sure that would have been easy to fix also. We have this lawnmower that we never use any more in the garage since we got a new one.

Outside of that though, I'm sure we could get the thing fix up in no times. Yeah, that would be wonderful.

Sadly, my buddy didn't see the same potential either. Not that I could tell. Oh he did listen, but was less than cooperative.

But he did agree to let me take home this shoe I found there. Did have a whole in the bottom but I didn't see that as a problem.

And I'm going to keep looking till I find the other one at the dump. In the meantime I can wear it with a different shoe I found there. Yeah, I think even though it is a swim fin it works okay.

Just have to do it when Otis isn't around. He's not that cool about such things.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Well up is supposed to be a good thing. Now I'm not that convinced it is in this type of thing. Sort of depends the up you are talking about.

The one I know would be cool would be up your nose. That is never a good thing that I can figure.

Might be interesting thing at times I suppose. But I don't care to find out myself. There are some things I can just live without finding out first hand.

Now maybe shoving stuff up somewhere works for others, but not for me. Can't even imagine that being a good thing now matter how you shoved it.

Course there is are other forms of up that might be cool. Like up town. I hear that is good. Better than going downtown.

I've been to both though and frankly up don't seem that far up and down that far down. I mean like mountains to me are really up and sewers are down.

That's really pretty easy to tell. Well that and the smell you understand. You sure can confuse the mountains for a sewer. Unless maybe somebody has for some reason shoved something up your nose again.

Hmmm, gee I wonder if all up yours very down are like that. Up being good and smelling cool and down being yucky and stinky? I do got to wonder.

I got to admit I'm not all that crazy about either choice. Oh don't get me wrong, you know mountains are nice.

Well they can be. As long as you don't get say eaten by a bear. That I wouldn't prefer. And you can be sure I'm not rushing up to the mountains to find out either.

Now with the sewers it can be even worse. Not only does it stink, but they claim they have alligators in them.

Oh yeah, I haven't seem them, but no way I want that choice. So if I have to choose I think I'll stay somewhere I don't have to worry about it.

Nope, I will say where it ain't up or down. At least when I can. Then if somebody offers me an up yours, I'll just let them go first.

You never know when that can come up. Really is a big deal with some. But then i figure you just better not need to know too much.

I think I'll pass on finding out any time soon. As for the rest of you, help yourself. Just don't tell me if it don't work out.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


This is one of those things you don't wish on your worst enemy. Maybe because the might actually enjoy it.

It is where something happens once and you didn't expect it. Because you can't plan it you since you didn't plan it that makes it tough to figure out how you can make it happen again.

Now if this a good thing, then that makes it extra important. Such as going to the store when they are having an all your can eat free sample give away. Hey, it could happen.

Okay, it has never happen to me so far. But that don't it will never happen. Just not when I want it too.

In any case this is a good time of once and again. A bad one would be say something like getting a bad dose of diarrhea. Oh man that is a once that nobody wants.

And let me tell you once is more than enough. I do like the bathroom. But not that much. At least not so I have to sit on some toilet forever and then later get stuck with my butt feeling like it is on fire.

That ain't even a one time experience I want. You can forget that. Somebody else might enjoy it, but not me.

Another good once would be when you get the birthday present you always dreamed of getting one year. Sure would be great if that had more than once, but it don't happen very often.

The other once I keep hoping will happen just once if for old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin, to get the joy of knowing what it is like to be treated the way he treated us. Yeah, now that would be one once I would truly love.

But then I know that once with that would never be enough. It could become a real cool habit.

Heck, I imagine I could even sell tickets. Yep a whole bunch of them. The types where people I would pay double for them.

But then that is with Junior. Hard to say if I would get that lucky with somebody else. Wouldn't mind giving it a try though.

Maybe some other time. You never know when that would improve the situation. Oh yeah that could be worth dreaming about.

Well at least for me it would. Only problem is that too often those are the types of dreams that never come true even once.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Oh my goodness is this exciting or what? Imagine being involved with something that had never happen before? Just makes me tingle all over to think about it.

I mean honestly first time stuff is so cool. You got to be so dang happy to ever be the first one to do something.

Course I know this don't happen that often. Which ain't that surprising since how many first time things can you really expect in life?

Wish there were more. Like say being the first one to get your hands on a shipment of jelly beans that just arrived.

I want to tell you that just gets me all happy when I luck out with it. Just wish I had been able to convince those people over at the candy store to get more cooperative on this thing. But so far they aren't helping me that much.

All I want them to do is let me know when they will be getting their next shipment. They just never know when they will do that. At least that is what they claim.

Only I'm not that convinced they are telling me the whole story on this. Heck, I even offered to get a pager so they could page me when they know for sure.

You would think if I was willing to go to all that trouble it would make a difference. And for a while it nearly did.

I sort of blame this on the pager dudes. Because I did actually get one. And even gave the number to the candy people.

It did work even work for couple of times. That's when things got sort of messed up. Now the first problem was with the fact that nobody mentioned the thing needed batteries.

I mean in terms of replacing them. It came with one when I got it. They just never mentioned sooner or later you got to put a new battery in there. Might have been nice if they told me.

Also they had some buttons on the thing to do some weird stuff like make it buzz and what not. They gave me this instruction book, but it had a bunch of strange junk in there that didn't seem to have much with it being used for paging. Stuff like the date and time.

Now personally to me I don't see the problem here. I mean it the darn thing goes off, I know when. So who needs a stupid pager to tell me?

Eventually it just plain quit working. Even after my buddy Otis put a new battery it. The guy at the pager place said that had never happen before. Lucky me. Guess it might have been nice too if they told me it doesn't work in bathtubs.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Oh yeah now this is perfect. I love it. Nothing is better than a nice big hunk of bread that you get in the form of a roll.

Yep as foods go there just ain't much that can compare to a roll for some many good ways you can use it. You can cut it in half and put all kinds of good stuff on it. Things like sandwich meat, cheese, cold spaghetti, peanut butter, marshmallow cream, whip cream, ice cream and a whole lot more.

Course you do have to be careful. I mean there are times when well, you just might not have a roll big enough to fit all that stuff.

That is when you end up having to like improvise. You know like maybe get a bigger thing of rolls.

I'm talking about the ones that are huge. I think the call them grinders. Those are one heck of a big loaf of bread.

I think they call them that because if you get one that is kind of old it can be so dang hard and then it can like grind your teeth. That ain't a good thing.

Now maybe for some it is. But not to me. Nope I don't find that good at all. I pass on it Yeah you can keep those rolls that like want to grind down your teeth at all.

But there are other choices if you want to try. Like taking a bunch of small rolls and sort of glue them together. Course you do have to be careful.

I mean with what you choose to like glue them with. That can be kind of a problem if you use regular glue.

But frosting is a good option. Well it is too me. I mean honestly that can be so fun. Just a couple of gallons will do wonders.

And I have no idea why some people would think it isn't a good idea. I reckon you just can't please some people.

But you just can please some. They will never understand creativity. It sure can be tough to get some to appreciate that part of things I guess.

Which is find by me given the fact that I have all this cool frosting I can use. Yeah it is fun when that happen.

Speaking of which I'm off to savor some right now. Even got some rolls too. Ah the joys that life gives you at times.

Yep, can ask for more than perfection and sugar of cousre.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Yep, there are times when this really is your only choice. You try and try, but sooner or later you just have to sit down and fact the facts.

That is what Otis calls it when he starts talking in terms of stuff that don't work right. Yeah, you know things that should work right, but in reality don't.

There sure are a lot of them too. Honestly, you might be surprised at the times when things that look cool end up sucking.

As a grimefighter I have to admit that this happens way to often in my life. You just start out on some assignment all jazzed and thinking, wow this time we are going to do something extra cool.

Only it never works out that way. Oh we come close at times. I will admit there are occasions which can be kind of satisfying. You know things nearly work right. Just never as great or wonderful as I would hope.

And when it gets totally screwed up then I am less than cool about it. Which brings up the problem you know. When does it get so screwed up you have to say forget it?

This is something that my buddy and I never seem to be able to agree on. I mean from my view the moment you stop getting any decent results, I say forget it.

And I wish my buddy saw it that way. But nope, he wants to keep trying and some stuff. Let me tell you that sucks at times.

I guess I do appreciate my buddy wanting to try all the times. But give me a break. If we are lost, out of gas, and it is night time, we are not going to catch the bad guys. It happens.

Not that my buddy seems to care. He just never in any way seems to be interested in that reality.

So I sit there and roll my eyes and listen to him keep telling me some good is going to happen. Which never seems to actually happen.

At least not that I have seen. And let me tell you he sure has amnesia over it too. The next time he won't even remember the last time.

He'll just act like it never was a problem before. That never seems to help in any way. Not from my view.

And I tell you that is not helping in my point of view. Which I guess in a way is his telling me I ought to forget about trying to think it will do any good to do other than forget he didn't remember the last time.

Friday, August 24, 2007


Ain't this the best term ever? Honestly, it is so cool. You don't have to ask any silly questions that make you look like an idiot.

Because after you say it is everything there isn't anything else to talk about. You just know the whole world is involved.

Well that is everything to me. Course when somebody says everything they never say it is the whole world.

That part sort of gets kind of fuzzy. In fact you are never to sure of what is in their everything.

Now I would sort of figure that everything was a whole lot more than almost everything. You know not one of those practically things were they sort of make up things as being something they really aren't.

But that is okay. I just sort of let them have that problem. Because if they can't keep straight what everything is then I'm not sure I want to know about it in terms of other junk they want to talk about.

What I do know there are some really strange people out there. Like this one dude I heard talking about seeing everything. He was at some meeting or something I guess and said he saw everything.

Now he made it sound like everything was you know a given one thing. It might just be me, but I thought that was really stupid.

Then there are those strange guys over at this pizza place. They ask you if you want everything on your pizza.

I guess that is okay. But I sure don't want everything if it is weird stuff. I mean like shaving cream or garbage.

See that is the hard part to me. They don't bother to say. And is that really fair? I sure don't want to try and hang with those people.

It might get kind of scary too. After all, what if they start taking over stuff? Before you know it you have everything everywhere.

Then you could end up having laws against everything too. Or for everything where you get punished with everything if you don't do the everything they want.

Hopefully I won't have to worry about any time soon. In any case that will move on to some other kind of issue. Next thing you know they'll do the same thing with all or nothing. Where will it end?

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Why do they call them speed bumps if you have to stop to go over them?"

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I like it when this really makes sense. Yeah, you know it is a wonderful time when you can go in the direction that you really need to go and somebody says it is a good thing.

This can be really tough at times. Because there are too many times when somebody wants you to go in their direction.

And that is okay if they really sane and smart. But if they are like totally stupid then forget it.

No way I want to follow some path where a clown wants me to like fall off a cliff. He can knock himself off in that regard, but not me.

I don't want to hear about it. I honestly don't want this clown giving me any directions. You can forget that idea.

In any case I have certain rules about that. First one is that if the guy is wearing a cast from having jump off a building or whatever then I'm not going to follow him.

A real big hint that perhaps the dude is not doing a good job at knowing directions. So might be a good idea to follow him.

In any case I will just pass when he says this way. No way I'm going to take his directions regardless of how cool he thinks he is.

Another biggie is when you have to deal with somebody that doesn't in any way give you details an where he is going. Like he is totally unclear on it.

And if he gets in trouble finding the bathroom, that is even worse. So forget following him either.

Now one thing we know is that life goes on. Yep, big time. What we best not do is waste time thinking that is a good deal.

I just hope this all helps for those who are unclear on where tomorrow is suppose to lead. There are a lot of them to.

Tomorrow is easy to figure out. You just start where you left off today. Then no big deal. Seems simple enough to me.

Not sure what the problem is for somebody else. They must enjoy wandering in circles and calling it fun. Not me.

I prefer to savor the moment. And that means being able to enjoy where the road leads. Just not by some clowns map that doesn't work. You can forget that part. I know I have. Well till this posting you understand.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Well you this is big, but it ain't good. So that means you ain't going to smile when you encounter it.

It is nice that this doesn't happen all the time. For that I'm grateful. Otherwise if we had to face nothing but big and bad we would be miserable. It is bad enough when the big bad does happen.

I sure don't want to go out of my way to look for it either. That just is not my idea of fun and I hope it isn't yours either.

I don't know, but maybe we could like keep this big bad from being a big deal. I sure would hope so.

That would work for me. You know like put a limit on it. Which would be cool if you could get some law made up about it.

A not big bad whatever would be cool. I wonder if you could even tax the big bad in the process.

Yep we could smile over that couldn't we? I would. Just have some big bad jerk out there and have them being chased by the tax collectors.

I wonder what kind of tax would they be able to come up with? I know a jerk tax. Hmmm, might get complicated though I reckon.

Yeah there are too many jerks around as a rule anyway. So another tax could mess up a lot of other people in the process.

And who needs that? It would be my luck they would end up messing up and in the process the rest of us would get taxed along the way.

Or worse yet the stupid government might end up doing something dumb like using the taxes to help the mean dudes. God that would be awful.

I can see where that might happen. Those government dudes can get sort of weird about things at times.

Being weird ain't all bad. But honestly, you do have to wonder about if that is how it would work out

So maybe we just make big and bad illegal. Well can't say it would work either. But might be fun to imagine.

In any case you just keep hoping that will work out for the best. I'm still waiting for that. Hopefully it will happen eventually like in my life time or by tomorrow at least.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I heard about this the other day. I guess it is supposed to be important. Which is okay providing you are able to figure out where this big time takes place.

Only I haven't heard that part. Really makes me wonder too. How come if this is such a big deal nobody tells you where to find the place?

I mean really, I know it is big. So you can't hide it under a tree or anything. Which helps with knowing that you should be able to find it easy.

But where the heck is it? Come on let's be realistic about this. It is big and about time of some sort.

And it must be a good thing if I understood those other dudes correctly. Boy I'm talking about the kind of stuff that gives you a chance to really smile big time. Which so of fits with the idea of big don't it?

Like I said what kind of bugs me on this is the where part. I mean give a guy a break here. If this is so much fun then let us all have a shot at it.

However, it don't seem like they want to share. Not from what I was able to tell. Oh I did try to find out, but it didn't do me any dang good.

Why those guys were so dang rude about it. Shoot, there I was trying to innocently find out about it and they looked at me like I was some kind of idiot for asking.

Heck, the more I tried to get them to say something, the more like a jerk they acted. Which sure don't make me all that happy about dealing with them.

Oh well, I reckon it was a good thing I didn't find out. I mean those guys weren't very nice to deal with.

So I'm not sure I would want to be somewhere they were anyway. I reckon instead I'll just find my own big time.

In my case that is easy enough. All I had to do was spend time over at the candy store. Now that is enough of a big time for my taste.

And with my taste always centers around jelly beans. Shoot I think that is fair. I mean it ain't hard for it to be a big time. I just get a bigger bag of jelly beans.

Yep, big times are where you find them. Providing I don't end up you know with having those people over at the candy store going weird again.

They do that a lot at times when I am there. Really sucks from my view. Just because I ask a question if I can poke through and get all one color of jelly beans they went nuts. Hey, so my hands were dirty, I offered to wash them.

Monday, August 20, 2007


This isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes it is good. Well course if it ain't bad then it would be good.

Providing you can figure it as good. And I can, but not everyone will. Let's be honest, some people are just plain weird. I'm sure they don't mean to be, but they are.

Probably from something they ate. Yeah, that will do it you can be guaranteed of that. Oh man do I love that option.

But then I don't worry about such crazy people. I figure that is their problem. Instead I want to be sure I don't get messed up like them.

And knowing when something is good as blowing it verses when it is bad really makes a difference. Well it does to me.

Like for example blowing it say with like blowing out the candle on a birthday cake is really good. Because you know that after you get done blowing out the candles that you get some cake. And that is always good!

See, I bet you didn't think of that did you? Guess most people wouldn't. Which is part of why I am writing these things. So I can help people to understand things better.

And if you can help somebody else out then life just ain't that much worth living at times. That is never cool or good either.

As far as this blowing thing goes, there are other things beside blowing out of candles that is good. Like blowing up candles is always great.

Because you know you always have balloons for parties. And where this is parties then you are going to get cakes.

Yep, that is really a cool thing. Now I know, you might be wondering if I even know of something that isn't good with blowing it.

The big one is having some tire blowing it. Oh yeah that sucks. Because it always happens when you need it the least. Tires are like that.

Unless say you have the tire blow out while you are on a way to a party. Then at least you can look forward to some cake when you get there.

Providing the people there don't blow it. Let me tell you, that sure happens a lot too. There are so many of them where it does happen. That is when you get stuck working with some creep who eats all the cake just because you are late.

Those are not a good option.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Oh man now this is perfect. You can count on that. When you get something and the longer you deal with it the better it becomes.

You sure can't say that about too many things. Wish it were otherwise. Because let me tell you getting junk and having it turn out to be cool is some fun.

Now you can pretty much rule out some stuff right away on this deal. You know like vegetables and fruit. Once they are ripe it is all down hill. All they do is get mushy and who needs that?

Pretty much any stuff you eat can be like that. Unless it comes in a can. Or is like candy. Now you don't have to worry about it getting worse. It might not get better, but at least you won't stress out if it sits there for a while.

Course junk like money don't necessarily get better with time either. It just seem to be worth less in time. So you have to keep getting more of it. But it don't spoil and that is something.

So with this thing it is kind of easy, if it don't get better it don't count. I've heard that wine gets better with age.

Not sure how that works. I mean the older you get the more you drink it? Honestly do old dudes guzzle it a lot more than younger ones?

Personally, I never touch the stuff. It don't work for me. I just honestly will pass. I get worry about it.

After all, this stuff is made from grapes. And that is a fruit. So who says it don't get worse with age?

Maybe those who guzzle the stuff can't say for sure? Yeah, they probably sit there and are so under the influence they can't tell the difference.

And we should listen to these clowns? Not me. I ain't taken there advice for any reason. They can have all the bottles for themselves.

Now if you are talking jelly beans, ah that is a different story. Heck, I never get tired of them.

Nope they never do get any worse with time. You can count on that. Meanwhile better is a good thing when you can find it.

And even though there is no place to find it for sure, you can always keep looking. I know I am. And that is the kind of better that is always worth passing on to others. Well providing the listen.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Now is this cool or way. Every as in all means no matter how you look at it something good is going to happen.

See with bad stuff it normally relates to just one thing. Kind of like having a cold. It is bad, but doesn't ruin your entire life. Now that I can live with.

After all if it is crap then you don't mind it being only about one thing. Because you can generally figure a way to cope with that problem. You know find some kind of pill or whatever.

But you do know that at least it only involves one deal. So that is easier than if it was with everything.

The hard part is there aren't enough of the every way deals. That truly is what sucks in my book. Oh yeah, I would love it if you could figure a way for this to happen all the time.

It would be as if you could have Christmas every day. Now that would definitely be cool in my book.

But so fair that ain't the way it works. Wish it was. I would vote for it. Only so fair that just ain't what is happening.

I am sure thrilled by the idea of figuring a way to fix that problem too. Only I'm not sure how I could manage it.

Maybe I'll see if I can make it a law. Heck, they see to have them for all kinds of stupid junk, so why not something good for a change.

Hmmm, I wonder if you made it a law would that mean you would get in trouble for not having any every ways? That could get kind of complicated.

Well I guess that is what the politicians have to worry about. Besides what else do they have to do?

After all how long can it take them to kiss a few babies? And I'm sure they don't have meetings all the time.

Boy I bet if I was to call them up they would even answer the phone too. Yeah, I'm one of what they call a voter. I even vote and all.

So that ought to count for something. Well it does to me. I can speak for them politicians till I actually talk to them.

But I'm going to do that for sure. Just as soon as I find out which ice cream parlor they hang out at.

Friday, August 17, 2007


Yep, you can pretty much count on this. Each morning is almost always going to result in another day. Funny how it works out that way.

But I don't imagine any of us is complaining about it either. Wouldn't exactly help things if you woke up one morning and there wasn't another day. Like say if it went on a coffee break.

With all those coffee places they are building these days you never know who all goes tot them. Personally, I'm not a big fan of coffee so I haven't gotten around to checking them out, but they sure must be popular judging from the fact that they keep building them so much.

Makes me figure that there is something special about them that I don't know about. Maybe they keep the secrets of the universe there and if you buy enough coffee then you get them told to you for free.

In any case, the nice thing about days is knowing you have a chance to look forward to having more. Well, most of the time I guess.

Admittedly there is that time when you do get any more. Oh they are still around, but you had to take the exit over at the cemetery.

I got no idea if they have much use for days in eternity. I mean it is forever, which is cool.

Never quite understand that part either. I mean you get only so much time here and then all you want there.

Seems like it is kind of unbalanced time wise. Maybe they got some big surprise waiting though that makes it all a good deal.

But for now, I think I'll just stick with enjoying having more days. Yep, got them all figured out on my calendar.

Really works for me, which is good since you don't have a choice anyway. I do wonder though, if there is a Father Time, does he have any kids or is he married?

You never hear about a Mrs. Time. So it is hard to say for sure. Maybe she is like in charge of stuff like holidays.

Don't know why not. Somebody needs to be I reckon. Just not sure why, but I guess we wouldn't have a reason to complain if we didn't have somebody to blame for everything.

As for me, well I'm just glad to know it is something you can count on. That makes me have a smile.

Thought for the week:"Was it new about nutrition? If you eat something old is it oldtrition?"

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Some people think numbers are the most important thing there are. I got to admit that you know, I accept they are important. But not more than anything else.

And I don't mind counting junk if there is a reason for it. However, it sure don't seem to me that is the case at times.

Honestly, if I count something I want to know it is worth counting. Like jelly beans. Course I will count them.

They are important and worth making sure how many I got. I mean I know that is a big deal because I would run out otherwise. So you know, I want to be sure I'm ready and don't end up with that crisis.

But outside of that problem there are a whole lot of situations where I sure don't understand what the big deal is on counting. Like over at STINK.

They got this deal where we have to do this thing called an inventory. Man is that boring. Sitting around and counting junk is not fun.

And the thing is how come they need to know in the first place? Honestly, what is the worse thing that is going to happen if we by chance don't count all this crap?

Speaking for myself the answer is nothing. I mean if we run out of stuff, we just go shopping more often.

How hard is that to do? I ask you is that the end of the world if we have to shop more often?

Try getting those guys to understand. Oh man is this such a pain. I want to tell you this is sure a big deal to them.

And you know the weird thing is after I give them the numbers they don't even bother to check to see if I did them right. Yeah, that really bugs me.

I just don't get that part. Like I could make anything up and nobody would really care. Does that make sense?

They call this the honor system. Which means they expect you to tell the truth. I guess that is okay.

Only that assumes we are all honest and so far I haven't notice that to be true. Just on some occasions.

However, I guess it is no big deal. I mean nobody is out complaining anyway. So when I happen to make a mistake on the count, I just figure as long as I throw away the extra I miscounted then that is cool.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I heard about them flowers called "forget me nots." And all I can figure is that they probably have something wrong with them if you need to forget about them.

Makes me figure that perhaps they are something that smells bad. Like maybe after you have them a while. So you just want to forget them completely.

Really sounds like they are something awful to mess with at some point. Which is why you have to like fret over them so much.

Only I can't figure why you would bother. I mean if you have to go to all that trouble wouldn't you be better off not even handling them?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I sure don't have any plans to mess with them. No way I'm going to get myself attached to some stupid flowers that you have to forget because there is something wrong with them.

So you count on me to forget them for sure. Not even a guess, I will just plain not want anything to do with them that all.

I'm going to remember that advice of that one English writer dude William Shaker-something. He was the one that mentioned about a rose by any other stain would still stink your feet. Well that is how I heard it anyway.

And you know them English writer dudes are pretty darn smart too. Oh yeah, why I sure wouldn't mind spending time with them.

Course might be kind of hard, I hear they were a long time ago. At least ten years or more.

So they might not be able to in any way be you know to do much writing these days if they are that old. But you never know, they might get some writing paper and pencils in those rest homes.

If I ever get a chance to visit England, maybe I'll look them up. I'm sure that Shake-something dude might be cool to hang with.

However, my choice would be the one they called Francis Bacon. Or something Bacon. Now any guy with a name like Bacon is bound to be able to get his hands on some good things to eat.

Heck, maybe he owns a restaurant. Breakfast would be fun. I imagine he might even give me a break on the cost seeing how I'm a writer and all.

I wonder if I could send him an email and check? Would be worth it to me. Oh well you never know for sure.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Calm Chaos

This is definitely not a normal condition to be sure. It is hard to imagine in a general situation how this would take place.

But the reality is that there are times when in the midst of some insanity, there is a chance for finding some calm. Hopefully the type of calm where God's spirit touches in some special way.

That can truly inspire a sense of well being. With most people who find a form of calm in the midst of a challenge or crisis, they will offer up some reason for it related to their own means of control. It will be some kind of formula or method that truly does work in their thinking.

But to me this is a focus related mainly to be directed at the individual and not in a way that will work for everyone. Not that every time God's spirit touches it means that things will be in a way that applies to everyone equally.

However, when God is involved it will be more natural and clear that it has no direction to glorify the individual. That truly is the different from my point of view.

And it is intended to help drive one to closer forms of faith. To help us lean closer to the Lord.

That is always a positive aspect. It will be serve to help and not hurt in the long run. To bring a peace and assurance when the next crisis takes place.

With other forms, they may or may not work. It will not always be the kind of guaranteed formula of success.

But that won't keep some from viewing it that way. They will always regard it as a case of their solution is perfect for everyone.

Nice sale if it happens. Such a dream if it were real. But it just never truly seems to work out that way.

Plus as humans, we do often find ourselves in the position where we change. So what happens it that yesterday's solution doesn't work for tomorrow's problem.

All because we changed in the process and not because the nature of such solutions has been altered. Formulas do work at times, just not all the time.

We wander our ways by choice at times. We can either embrace God on that path or we can avoid it.

That is at times the only aspect of choice open to us. And whether we accept it is the question we face every day.


Man, let me tell you, this is the worse kind of sucking stuff. These are the things where you get told junk that smells and even tastes good when you first taste it.

Later though, it is like swallow a year old hot dog that was green and been left outside so long it had hair. Yeah, that kind of yucky.

Honestly, it really bugs me when you deal with some jerk that does this. Oh man I hate people who are like this.

They make all kinds of sweet promises about things they will do to help you, but they never really do them. Just end up being so darn disgusting.

And naturally, being the sap that we can be, the stupid people end up suckering you into a second helping. That sure is the pits.

I mean it is bad enough to get some dude who tell you a bunch of lies, but worse when they do it in a way that leaves you thinking the next time they will tell the truth. Like that really is going to happen.

The problem is that the candy they offer you is just to dang tasty. So you can help hoping the next batch will be good for a change.

I never is, but man at the time the thought of that candy makes one go stupid. Well for that reason at least.

You sure can find plenty of others too. That is when it really sucks from my point of view.

Only problem is trying to stop being so dang stupid. Oh yeah that is a big problem. Like the kind where you are beyond the strength to get some smarts.

I wish I could say I have gotten over it. I'm still working on it you understand. And I hope that eventually here I will get over these things.

That is the nice thing, eventually, it just really sucks in terms of the in between. Honestly, I hate this when I am stupid and end up stupid again.

You got to admit that ain't a good thing. But the best thing is when I can avoid having to admit it to others.

I mean being stupid is one thing, being a complete idiot is another. And I sure hope I can avoid that possibility.

Well someday at least. You really have to sort of give yourself time in that regard. Plus having some good gummy bears helps too.

Monday, August 13, 2007


This is a good thing at times. Providing the self you are serving is yourself. And what you are serving is a thing you want.

If it is crap, that never works to be a good deal. Not to me at least. I do think when serving myself if it involves junk that is a good thing.

In any case for me I do like self serve most of the time. Only how come they never give you any discounts for doing your own labor?

Yeah, that really sucks if you ask me. I hate it when you have to do what some jerk behind the counter should do and you don't get a break on the price of the stuff.

Like when you pump gas. What is up with that? I got to ask. I sure don't see any of those oil company dudes hanging around to pump your gas.

So why can't they give us a break on the cost. Shoot I would even help go and drill for the gas if needed.

But I guess they don't care about that part. So even though it sucks, I reckon I'm stuck with that choice.

As for other forms of self serve, now you really mess with some people's rights. Like over at the fast food place where they sell fast food ice cream cones.

Now no where do they mention at all about it being a limit on the amount of ice cream you serve yourself. Really that sucks.

I only used one cone. Okay I did refill if four times. So what? Why is that a problem? They got no signs about it.

So how come they freak out when I did do that? And then they tried to get me to pay for four ice creams when their sign clearly reads per cone!

Talk about bad advertising. I tell you I'm not going back there again. All I have to do now is settle that disagreement I have with the buffet place.

Their sign says all you can eat, but no where does is say in one visit. Really frosts my cookies too.

Oh well, I'm working on that. I think I've got it figure out. I just don't leave for three days. The hard part is when they close the doors. Hiding under the table is tricky. But I've learn to get the hang of it.

At least to some degree. Enough to get my money's worth. Even if it takes three days to get even.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Now is there a better bargain and joy in life that extra toppings on something you truly love? Pizza, hot dogs, burgers and hot fudge sundaes just are always so incredible with those little precious special goodies.

I love them so much. And really enjoy knowing how we get to feel so much more happy from all the fabulous ways it makes life better.

Which is what makes things extra nice too. Who can complain about that? I guess some do. The ones that don't like paying for extra whatever.

But then my view is why be dull? Honestly why is that a good thing? And for me life without extra toppings really bites.

Well actually it doesn't bite. That is the problem it ought to be a bite. A good one too. Only it doesn't always work out that way.

That sure don't make me keen on when it don't include extra toppings. I really don't find that fun in any way.

Now really it does leave me scratching my head. I mean if you are going to go all out and get yourself a pizza, why not make it fun.

That just makes me so less than happy at times. Like when old rat boy, Junior, decides to treat us dudes to pizza.

Oh I do appreciate him getting the pizza, but come on why can't we have a few really good things on there?

He is stuck on just ordering plain old cheese pizza. It is good, but as good as their combination special.

That is like so buried under good stuff you can hardly see the pizza crust. Now you got to admit that is a good thing.

I think it is. And it really isn't even that much more expensive. All you do is just say the words, extra and they take care of the rest.

But will rat boy do it? Heck no. He won't get us anything decent and that just plain sucks.

Well I reckon I will put up with it as I always do. Then one of these times I'll make sure when he isn't looking I get those extra toppings.

And you can be sure that when I have the chance I sure do sneak in a few extra goodies on my slices. Always have those extra jelly beans for that situation.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Man do I love these. Those little extras you get that you weren't expecting. They are way cool.

Now I sure wish these were easy to come by. It would be great if you could get them whenever you wanted. Just never happens that way.

Kind of the way it seems with way too many fun things. I mean the crappy stuff happens way too often. Heck, you don't even have to want it. The crap just has this mind of its own and some kind of sick super glue that will zap you when you least expect it.

But the good junk like bonuses, oh man that is like winning the lottery. It makes you so dang happy, but for some reason even though it makes you happy, you can get them when you want.

Is it just me or is there something really strange about this set up? Really does it make any sense?

I don't know who is in charge of this deal, but they sure could benefit from a few suggestions, like getting their act together on this whole what is good deal. Maybe they screwed up and tried to learn the system by some correspondence course.

I tried once of those one time. Found it in the back of a comic book. It was this course to teach you how to be a wizard in ten easy lesson.

I learned lots of nifty words, but honestly never got a single toad to turn into a prince. Man you can be that spell for conjuring sure was the pits.

All those hours I spent collecting stones in order to turn them into jelly beans. Oh if that had worked it would have been so fantastic.

But it didn't. Oh I did give it my best shot. You can be sure of that. I must have spent hours concentrating just like that course said.

I did get a headache from thinking that hard. But no jelly beans from rocks. Kind of ruined the whole deal in a way.

Which was not that big of a deal I guess. I lived with it. And maybe that is why I'm like really wanting more bonuses.

If I can turn rocks into jelly beans at least I can get some extra with my bonuses. Providing I can get those.

You can bet that I sure work on that part hard too. Sure do a lot of hinting. That seems to help at times. Well that and holding my bat a lot in a way that says I'm going to be real upset if I don't get a bonus.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Okay, who decides where these are supposed to be put? Do any of us get a choice at all? Or is this another of those things that is like a conspiracy where people they call the they are responsible.

All I know is that nobody asked my opinion. I didn't get a vote or the least word of choice at all.

That really bugs me. I mean I have to use the streets just like everyone else. And shouldn't I have a choice in where I have to stop?

I feel I should. Really, how come nobody gives me that option? I don't feel that is fair at all.

Plus who decided the best place for a stop sign was at some intersection? Is that the only place everyone thinks you should get to stop?

Not me. I think they should be other places too. And for other stuff. See, stop signs are easy to see.

Only right now they are used just for telling drivers to stop. Have you ever noticed that nobody says HOW LONG you need to stop either?

That is another problem with them from my view. They should have like a time limit posted somewhere. At least n my way of thinking.

Otherwise some poor dude might think you have to stop all the time and never start again. Hey, it could happen.

So maybe we need to revive this whole stop sign thinking in some ways. For starters we could agree that wherever there is a stop sign it means you are suppose to stop doing whatever you think you might be thinking of doing. Or stop doing what you are doing that is wrong.

That would sure cut down on the questions some have on stopping doing stuff. It would for me.

I would hope it would for others too. But then I reckon is a matter of explaining stuff better.

Really, we just need a few extra stop signs and then after that you do what you need to do in order to make sure everyone understands what they are for. I would be available to help enforce the rules too.

My bat would easily take care of the problem. A whack or two and you can be sure they would get the message of what the sign meant.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "How come road maps don't have real roads in them? Shouldn't they be line maps?"


Well I do have to wonder what good these really do. Outside of being helpful for those who like to wear ties, do they work that much for the rest of us guys?

I don't think so. Apparently it is an extra big deal if you are a policeman. I heard these two cops in this donut shop talking about this other day.

From as best as I could gather the big deal was that it was for them a good thing. Only they take it real serious.

The one officer was talking about making collar. I didn't want to embarrass him or anything, but if that is his way of saving money find, I just think there are better ways to save a buck or two.

Plus where do you even get the stuff for making collars? I got to wonder. Honestly, you do have to ask. At least I do.

Far as I know there are no collar makings stores around. I've never seen any. Maybe they are kept in a mall. You never know on that part.

In any case, apparently these cops had quite a chore as making these collars. From the way the one office chatted boy it was a major chore.

He talked about making this one collar after chasing a guy for blocks. Well shoot, maybe he might have caught him sooner if he hadn't been lugging the stuff for making collars.

You would figure that a policeman would have understood that. Honestly, why wouldn't he?

I don't know, I can't say. Maybe this is a big deal that they have to make so many collars at time or something.

At least it seems to be that way. I mean shoot this cop was talking about needing to increase his numbers of collars made.

Now I ask you is this a good thing? I don't know, but if you ask me, I would assume that you know if they need them that bad he could get some help with them.

I mean really, if these guys are spending that much time messing around with making collars then when do they have time to catch bad guys? Really out to be something I would like to find out.

But I reckon I won't worry about it right now. After all there are lots of ways you can figure out a way to get a few collars if you need them that bad. Just seems that is the way they could be helped the most. Just reckon I will pass that on to a cop next time I hear them talking about them.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Okay who is the clown that thought this was good idea? I'm sorry, but I ain't in favor of this one.

I was in this store the other day and these two dudes were talking about somebody. Not sure who it was, but they sure didn't have lots of good to say about the person.

In the process the mentioned how this person really need to be put on a leash. As if this was really for his own good.

And let me tell you it is hard for me to imagine anybody being better off wearing a leash. Might be some weird fashion statement I guess. Not one I want to try.

Anyway, after hearing them chat for a bit, I was heading back home and grateful that guy wasn't me. Because it sure isn't a choice I think would be one for me.

Well I happen to be listening to the radio on my way and the guy on there we talking about leash laws. Man, that was so shocking.

The idea of them making a law to decide when somebody got stuck wearing a leash sound scary. What in the world would somebody think this is a great idea?

And then they make it into a law! Oh man this is awful. I sure hope I don't have to go somewhere that people mess with that kind of thing.

I sure hope that wherever they mess with these laws, I don't have to attend. They can save that for some other people.

Now perhaps this is a thing where you know, you get some kind of choice. Like take this leash or say something else.

I guess it would a nice thing to know for sure. However, I don't reckon if it is a law they give you those choices.

For now, I'm staying clear of where those two were hanging out. I don't want to risk somebody coming towards me with a leash.

So that makes me happy to know that ain't going to happen any time soon. Which is sure better than sitting there being stuck with one.

Oh man that is such a disgusting thought. And if I didn't know better I would reckon that maybe you know old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin would come up with this.

But as far as I know he doesn't make laws. And if he did, he would no doubt make sure they included cheese. That might not be so bad because at least you could eat it. Hopefully, not Limburger though.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Now it is good that people talk about law and order. But you know they don't always work that well together.

I mean I haven't seen all the laws about ordering stuff. However, I kind of imagine they tell you what is okay to do and what isn't okay.

Which is sort of important like when you are ordering some take out food. I mean they don't post any laws anywhere on those menu boards.

That sure concerns me too. I mean what happens if you break some fast food law and don't know it? What is the penalty?

Are there like grease police or something? Well are there? I would really like to know. And what do they do to you?

I really hate to think of the dangers with that. Gosh what if they like put you somewhere that you never get to eat fast food again?

I can't even bear to think of that risk. It would be what they call drool and unusual punishment.

And let me tell you if they stuck me somewhere that never let you have any burgers, I would sure be drooling over them. Man I can't even think of that danger.

Course at a drive through it might be kind of hard to catch me if I blew it. But hopefully they would give you some warning first.

Like if you were talking into the speaker and you made a mistake to at least say, "Hey dummy wake up and stop asking for something stupid." Kind of hope they would give you that much of a break.

At least you would help. Although I have seen those signs about refusing the right to serve somebody. I wonder if they mean they have your arrested?

Gosh I hope not. I mean I just don't want to be expecting a burger and instead have somebody put some cuffs on me.

Well I guess next time I go over to some burger place I'm going to make sure that I double check the bushes for any grease cops. I bet they are there.

And you can bet, I'm going to be extra careful. Oh yeah, I want to come away with my burger, not a pair of cuffs.

Well, I do want you know a drink and fries too. Those are really important too. Providing they don't like make you choose between them or cuffs!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Ain't this something that sounds really cool? The idea that somebody made something just for you.

Well I think it is a great thing when it happens that way. Oh yeah you just get so many thrills from looking forward to being blessed by having it your way.

What bugs me though is how too many don't really mean it. Oh they make it sound so great and yet they never actually end up living up to the promise.

Like the other day I was in this fast food place and they make a big deal about how you can have your made just for you. Only when I ask for it my way they never agree. Man did that bug me.

I mean the say it is for you, but then they renege on the you part. Now that really sucks to me.

Man did I get bugged by that part. People suck when it comes to doing what they claim. I guess they think that is a good thing.

Not to me. I mean if I want peanut butter and jelly beans on my burger that is my way then I should have a right to it.

But not according to these jerks. Why they said you could only do this if you could chose from their stuff.

Things like onions or mayo. Like that always is having what I want. Really sucks from my point of view.

And you can bet that I sure didn't stick around and listen to anymore of their bogus stuff. That didn't work for me.

So I left and went over that grocery store and bought the stuff to have it the way I really wanted. Oh yeah, now when they say, I can have what I want, they really mean it.

Which made being at home so much easier to have what I want and make sure I have it my way. Just being able to sit at home and savor the moment.

Which was more than enough joy to make my day. I'll tell you that truly there is nothing cooler than being able to sit back and savor my freedom.

Too bad I don't have a way to make sure those jerks know about it. Now that would be the best part.

Maybe I'll stop by there sometime with my jelly bean, hot fudge and burger, burger. Maybe they well get the idea if I show them, but they will have to get their own.

Monday, August 06, 2007


Now for me this is different that something like satisfaction. For with satisfaction you end up with you know feeling happy from something going right the way you wanted it to go right.

But with gratifying it is for me more a matter of celebrating when something that you saw work out where you got to see somebody get messed up. It isn't revenge or anything, more like seeing somebody just get what they deserved.

Well that is how I like to think of it. And trust me it sure feels good to. Now some would say that is a bad thing, but hey, how come?

I didn't bash anyone. Was even my idea? Just seeing some creep get what they deserve leaves me smiling and I get gratifying joy from the process.

In any case I don't know just how feeling gratified works for me. I imagine others have a different view of it.

Never can say for sure with some people. They can be so weird in that regard. Like it is a bad thing to be happy when your enemy gets the beating of a lifetime.

Now I ask you should I be unhappy if that happens? Honestly does that make sense. Oh I guess it does to people like say the Reverend Analbe.

Yeah, it talk about stuff like turning the other cheek. Only I'm not sure he always is talking about his cheek though.

He is kind of funny that way from my point of view. Yeah, really is amazing to me. He talks like you out being forgiving and what not.

Just having notice he is the one who does much forgiving. Oh he talks about it that's for sure.

In any case, you know it doesn't matter that much because I never tell him when I'm snickering over seeing a creep bite the dust.

Nope I ain't that stupid. I just figure if I don't tell him I spare myself any lectures. And who needs those?

The nice thing is how I can always take care of that problem with him by giving him a box of donuts. Or even two if I need to be safe.

Just a little precaution that helps to make me smile at times. You never actually have to admit anything when he is busy eating.

That always makes me smile.

Sunday, August 05, 2007


You can bet I do savor this. Nothing makes me happier than the times I feel satisfied about something.

Oh yeah, that is a real great feeling. I just truly can't get enough of those moments. Nothing warms the insides as good as feeling all fuzzy from something going your way.

Now if you could get this anytime you wanted that would be great. But it never works that way.

Instead you have to work at it a whole lot and that is a pisser to me. You better believe it! And you can be sure that takes away a little from all the joy.

It is far more satisfying when it happens when you want it to happen. Only you don't always get an option in that regard.

That doesn't keep me from wanting it that way! Of that you can be sure. Oh man does it suck when that doesn't come my way.

Part of this for me is about the hope. You just have to expect things to be there to satisfy. If you ain't looking for it, you are not going to find it.

The problem is not letting others drive you wacky with them not finding it either. It really bites when you just innocently are talking to others hoping to find a place satisfaction.

But some people are just hopeless in that regard. We never can expect them to do otherwise than suck at helping you find satisfaction.

Not that it matters very much. They probably wouldn't find it no matter what.. Just a reality I guess for them.

But I'm not going to let them upset me. Nope, I won't do it. I'm going to just think in terms of finding it myself.

So far the best place I've found it is at the candy stores. No messing with lies or sad people. Just doing what I can to know I can get what I want there.

At least I'm better off than Otis. Man jelly beans are easy to get. Sometimes Spam ain't always easy to find.

That's okay. While he grumps over it I just sit back and celebrate my jelly beans. He gets over it.

And besides, maybe along the way he just also gives some thought to finding joy in other ways.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Ah now this is really cool. The best world there is. Just a place where you have things you figure will only fit a bit and then they fit completely. Nice little surprises that make us so happy.

Yep, I truly savor these times. They just make me feel so blessed. It is like you know you might have been wrong about guessing on something and then it ends up, wow!

Oh man that is such a thrill. Really a great and touching feeling of joy. One we truly grab and celebrate with such joy.

At least I do. Maybe not everyone else, but I do. There is just something truly satisfying when this happens. I don't know, it just works for me.

But the most things do when I get a chance to get what I want. How can that piss you off? I'm not going to try and say.

In any case, there is always the times when life just seems to get perfect. I don't know I just love feeling the whole world is perfect.

Wish it lasted though. That can be tough with some people. They aren't cool about it. Just not happy when it doesn't works the way we want.

Now I can't speak for anyone else, but you know for me there is nothing better than when this applies to a bag of goodies. I ain't like those weirdoes over at the gym who think fir more means you do more exercise. Those people are weird if you ask me.

Nope, I am not in with that group. They can spend all their time getting exhausted lifting weights and other junk.

Frankly I think all their talk about counting calories is a joke. I've personally never seen a stupid calorie. Oh you see them listed on like ingredients on cans, but what does that prove?

So I figure they put those on there just to scare you. Yeah, that is what I figure works best. Just be happy that they don't fool me with it.

Nope, I never even try that at all. I just set back and figure my fit more is when I get an extra, extra large whatever and it just fits my tummy.

What could be better than that. Really works at success for me. But then most things do. Ah the joy of life when you get to celebrate that kind of fun.

Now I'm off to do a little of my own fit more. Oh yeah, that is the fun of it all. Makes me so happy to even consider.

And you can be sure I will always be happy about that.

Friday, August 03, 2007


I hate it when you buy something and it turns out to be the wrong size. You feel so frustrated when you get home and find out you made a mistake on the size.

Oh man does that piss me off. That means another trip to the store to get a different size. Which can take forever at times.

As for me, well let me tell you that is why I'm always careful and only buy the right size stuff whenever possible. Wish I could say that was true for my buddy, Otis.

If you want to waste your time just go shopping with him for clothes sometimes. Honestly, it can be so scary.

See when it comes to buying stuff like pants, Otis has this problem. He can't admit when he has changed pants sizes.

Nope, he won't do that. Instead he'll buy one's that never fit. Oh I tell him he ought to you know go in and try them on.

But he refuses. He keeps claiming that they will fit no problem since they are the same size as the one's he is wearing.

Might be true if the ones he was wearing actually fit, but they really don't. He has to like suck in his breath to get them on. And I'm sure he's about ready to split his pants if he bends over.

So even if I do try to suggest he might try them on he never will. Just insists upon taking them home.

Then when they don't fit he will say something about how they must have shrunk while in the car. Yeah, that really is going to happen.

Later we will take them back and he'll get the right size. Not all the time, but most of it, which gives me a chance to do some more shopping.

What makes it hard for me though is not with clothes. I have problems with stuff like buying bags of snacks.

I always seem to end up with the wrong size. You know you get family size bag and then get home and eat it and you are still not full.

That really bothers me too. I mean I have to go all they way back to the store and find out that I need another bag.

But normally I end up getting more other junk so it isn't a complete waste and that is a good thing.

"Should one size fits all stuff be other than clothes? I sure don't want to wear somebody else's clothes, especially if they haven't washed them."

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Now this is supposed to be a good thing. Oh yeah, some really get all jazzed in thinking this is a big deal.

Only I haven't figured out how. Now to be honest, I can appreciate there are certain values to you know, being able to go into a store and like buying a normal size clothes.

That can be a good thing. Not enough reason if you ask me to justify going off to some place where you have to spend time sweating on purpose.

I figure there are times when I do that as part of my job. But I get paid for that. These places are scary.

I mean these gyms are places where you have to pay in order to sweat. What kind of sense does that make?

Plus you got to buy some clothes just for sweating. Now that is really awful. Honestly what kind of insanity is that?

Oh man let me tell you that sucks big time. And if you do all of that does it mean later you get to go somewhere for something good to eat? Nope!

They got some weird ideas on that part. Really, how can you be expected to sweat like that for at least ten minutes end then settle from some stupid yucky things to eat.

They just are insane to think this is a good deal. I know I don't. Not that you can expect them to appreciate that issue.

Honestly them people are so silly in that sense. They tried to get me to believe this was a good thing.

Now here is this dude all bulging with muscles and talking about not body fact who is telling that is normal. Only it ain't.

From what I've seen that is not the normal. It is more like their idea of normal. But now what you would expect from people who really know what they are talking about.

Like all the regular people you meet everyday. They don't seem to have a problem being just themselves without all that sweating.

But the that is my view. I'm not inclined to get all excited by the idea of being some clown who needs all that exercise so I can look the way I could look just by closing my eyes and imagining it to be true.

That is what works for me. A nice simple way that don't make me sweat. I can live with that option.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Ah, now that is a big question. How do take something with a peel and not want to peel it? It shouldn't even be a question if you ask me.

But that ain't the case in all situations. Not from the way I have noticed. Now of course the main thing you have to peel are like fruit. You might have to peel other junk, but not that I know of very often.

In any case, the rule ought to be if you get to take the fruit you get to peel it too. However, that don't happen at times.

Like the other day, I was in this place that had furniture and all and saw this bowl on this table with some fruit in it. I figure they were giving it away. At least nobody complained about me taking this banana.

Okay, they didn't see me. That I must admit. I was just like sitting there and saw it, decided I was hungry since it was around noon and figured, what the heck why not.

Well let me tell you, man was I bugged by that. I took that thing and I don't know, you just couldn't peel that sucker no matter what I did.

It has this skin that was so dang tough. Like it was made out of plastic or something. That sure was a pain, let me tell you.

Oh I keep trying, you can be assured of that. Man did I. There I was sitting there and yanking and yanking and it just wouldn't open no matter what I did.

I don't know where they get those kind of bananas, but let me tell you they sure made it clear you weren't going to eat them without a whole lot of work. Boy did I about give up on that thing.

Then I took it home and finally cut it open with a saw. That was the worse part. Because inside the stupid think was practically hollow.

I couldn't believe it. That thing was like such a big rip off. I could appreciate why they would want to give them away. You sure couldn't sell them being like that.

To be honest they didn't taste that great either. Oh was sure chewy enough. Took me forever to actually eat the thing.

Just didn't have much taste that is all. I really hated that part. Couldn't believe all that work for a stupid banana that hardly had any flavor.

Sure was filling though. Man my stomach felt bloated for hours after that. Don't think I want to try it again. Just didn't have that great of a taste. If I eat something I always prefer it leaves some zinger in my mouth.