Monday, August 20, 2007


This isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes it is good. Well course if it ain't bad then it would be good.

Providing you can figure it as good. And I can, but not everyone will. Let's be honest, some people are just plain weird. I'm sure they don't mean to be, but they are.

Probably from something they ate. Yeah, that will do it you can be guaranteed of that. Oh man do I love that option.

But then I don't worry about such crazy people. I figure that is their problem. Instead I want to be sure I don't get messed up like them.

And knowing when something is good as blowing it verses when it is bad really makes a difference. Well it does to me.

Like for example blowing it say with like blowing out the candle on a birthday cake is really good. Because you know that after you get done blowing out the candles that you get some cake. And that is always good!

See, I bet you didn't think of that did you? Guess most people wouldn't. Which is part of why I am writing these things. So I can help people to understand things better.

And if you can help somebody else out then life just ain't that much worth living at times. That is never cool or good either.

As far as this blowing thing goes, there are other things beside blowing out of candles that is good. Like blowing up candles is always great.

Because you know you always have balloons for parties. And where this is parties then you are going to get cakes.

Yep, that is really a cool thing. Now I know, you might be wondering if I even know of something that isn't good with blowing it.

The big one is having some tire blowing it. Oh yeah that sucks. Because it always happens when you need it the least. Tires are like that.

Unless say you have the tire blow out while you are on a way to a party. Then at least you can look forward to some cake when you get there.

Providing the people there don't blow it. Let me tell you, that sure happens a lot too. There are so many of them where it does happen. That is when you get stuck working with some creep who eats all the cake just because you are late.

Those are not a good option.


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