Thursday, August 16, 2007


Some people think numbers are the most important thing there are. I got to admit that you know, I accept they are important. But not more than anything else.

And I don't mind counting junk if there is a reason for it. However, it sure don't seem to me that is the case at times.

Honestly, if I count something I want to know it is worth counting. Like jelly beans. Course I will count them.

They are important and worth making sure how many I got. I mean I know that is a big deal because I would run out otherwise. So you know, I want to be sure I'm ready and don't end up with that crisis.

But outside of that problem there are a whole lot of situations where I sure don't understand what the big deal is on counting. Like over at STINK.

They got this deal where we have to do this thing called an inventory. Man is that boring. Sitting around and counting junk is not fun.

And the thing is how come they need to know in the first place? Honestly, what is the worse thing that is going to happen if we by chance don't count all this crap?

Speaking for myself the answer is nothing. I mean if we run out of stuff, we just go shopping more often.

How hard is that to do? I ask you is that the end of the world if we have to shop more often?

Try getting those guys to understand. Oh man is this such a pain. I want to tell you this is sure a big deal to them.

And you know the weird thing is after I give them the numbers they don't even bother to check to see if I did them right. Yeah, that really bugs me.

I just don't get that part. Like I could make anything up and nobody would really care. Does that make sense?

They call this the honor system. Which means they expect you to tell the truth. I guess that is okay.

Only that assumes we are all honest and so far I haven't notice that to be true. Just on some occasions.

However, I guess it is no big deal. I mean nobody is out complaining anyway. So when I happen to make a mistake on the count, I just figure as long as I throw away the extra I miscounted then that is cool.


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