Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Now it is good that people talk about law and order. But you know they don't always work that well together.

I mean I haven't seen all the laws about ordering stuff. However, I kind of imagine they tell you what is okay to do and what isn't okay.

Which is sort of important like when you are ordering some take out food. I mean they don't post any laws anywhere on those menu boards.

That sure concerns me too. I mean what happens if you break some fast food law and don't know it? What is the penalty?

Are there like grease police or something? Well are there? I would really like to know. And what do they do to you?

I really hate to think of the dangers with that. Gosh what if they like put you somewhere that you never get to eat fast food again?

I can't even bear to think of that risk. It would be what they call drool and unusual punishment.

And let me tell you if they stuck me somewhere that never let you have any burgers, I would sure be drooling over them. Man I can't even think of that danger.

Course at a drive through it might be kind of hard to catch me if I blew it. But hopefully they would give you some warning first.

Like if you were talking into the speaker and you made a mistake to at least say, "Hey dummy wake up and stop asking for something stupid." Kind of hope they would give you that much of a break.

At least you would help. Although I have seen those signs about refusing the right to serve somebody. I wonder if they mean they have your arrested?

Gosh I hope not. I mean I just don't want to be expecting a burger and instead have somebody put some cuffs on me.

Well I guess next time I go over to some burger place I'm going to make sure that I double check the bushes for any grease cops. I bet they are there.

And you can bet, I'm going to be extra careful. Oh yeah, I want to come away with my burger, not a pair of cuffs.

Well, I do want you know a drink and fries too. Those are really important too. Providing they don't like make you choose between them or cuffs!


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