Friday, August 03, 2007


I hate it when you buy something and it turns out to be the wrong size. You feel so frustrated when you get home and find out you made a mistake on the size.

Oh man does that piss me off. That means another trip to the store to get a different size. Which can take forever at times.

As for me, well let me tell you that is why I'm always careful and only buy the right size stuff whenever possible. Wish I could say that was true for my buddy, Otis.

If you want to waste your time just go shopping with him for clothes sometimes. Honestly, it can be so scary.

See when it comes to buying stuff like pants, Otis has this problem. He can't admit when he has changed pants sizes.

Nope, he won't do that. Instead he'll buy one's that never fit. Oh I tell him he ought to you know go in and try them on.

But he refuses. He keeps claiming that they will fit no problem since they are the same size as the one's he is wearing.

Might be true if the ones he was wearing actually fit, but they really don't. He has to like suck in his breath to get them on. And I'm sure he's about ready to split his pants if he bends over.

So even if I do try to suggest he might try them on he never will. Just insists upon taking them home.

Then when they don't fit he will say something about how they must have shrunk while in the car. Yeah, that really is going to happen.

Later we will take them back and he'll get the right size. Not all the time, but most of it, which gives me a chance to do some more shopping.

What makes it hard for me though is not with clothes. I have problems with stuff like buying bags of snacks.

I always seem to end up with the wrong size. You know you get family size bag and then get home and eat it and you are still not full.

That really bothers me too. I mean I have to go all they way back to the store and find out that I need another bag.

But normally I end up getting more other junk so it isn't a complete waste and that is a good thing.

"Should one size fits all stuff be other than clothes? I sure don't want to wear somebody else's clothes, especially if they haven't washed them."


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