Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Ah, now that is a big question. How do take something with a peel and not want to peel it? It shouldn't even be a question if you ask me.

But that ain't the case in all situations. Not from the way I have noticed. Now of course the main thing you have to peel are like fruit. You might have to peel other junk, but not that I know of very often.

In any case, the rule ought to be if you get to take the fruit you get to peel it too. However, that don't happen at times.

Like the other day, I was in this place that had furniture and all and saw this bowl on this table with some fruit in it. I figure they were giving it away. At least nobody complained about me taking this banana.

Okay, they didn't see me. That I must admit. I was just like sitting there and saw it, decided I was hungry since it was around noon and figured, what the heck why not.

Well let me tell you, man was I bugged by that. I took that thing and I don't know, you just couldn't peel that sucker no matter what I did.

It has this skin that was so dang tough. Like it was made out of plastic or something. That sure was a pain, let me tell you.

Oh I keep trying, you can be assured of that. Man did I. There I was sitting there and yanking and yanking and it just wouldn't open no matter what I did.

I don't know where they get those kind of bananas, but let me tell you they sure made it clear you weren't going to eat them without a whole lot of work. Boy did I about give up on that thing.

Then I took it home and finally cut it open with a saw. That was the worse part. Because inside the stupid think was practically hollow.

I couldn't believe it. That thing was like such a big rip off. I could appreciate why they would want to give them away. You sure couldn't sell them being like that.

To be honest they didn't taste that great either. Oh was sure chewy enough. Took me forever to actually eat the thing.

Just didn't have much taste that is all. I really hated that part. Couldn't believe all that work for a stupid banana that hardly had any flavor.

Sure was filling though. Man my stomach felt bloated for hours after that. Don't think I want to try it again. Just didn't have that great of a taste. If I eat something I always prefer it leaves some zinger in my mouth.


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