Sunday, July 22, 2007


Voting is fun. I like going into those places with those tiny curtains and picky a winner. It is so cool to have that choice.

I just get kind of annoyed I can't do it when I want. That is the part that sucks. I don't see why we can set this up to do it when we feel like it.

The problem is we need more elections where we get to do what we want in terms of voting for whoever. After all this is suppose to be one of our rights. You know part of democracy where we exercise our freedom.

But who can we exercise our freedom if somebody is always tell us when we can and can not vote. Where is the freedom in that?

So I think we need to you know have a shot and making more things you can get elected for. That way we get better chances to vote.

What I want to know is who is this absentee dude who is always on ballots. I always here them talking about the absentee ballots being counted other than with the usual ones. Is that fair?

What makes him so special that he gets to vote and it counts separately? Can any of the rest of us get a chance at it too?

All I can say is that he sure must have lots of relatives. Because they talk about this in all kinds of states.

Maybe it is like you know, they get some discount because there are so many of them. So I wonder if they also got like a shot at voting when they want too.

Because it sure seems like they have all kinds of chances to vote when we don't. And the post office must think they live everywhere since I've seen their ballots even be delivered to our apartment.

So that tells me this dude probably tries to claim to have all kinds of home addresses. Why, it is hard to say.

If I ever find this dude I guess I'll ask him. But not sure where I'll find him. I imagine when I do I can find out how I get to be added to his list and maybe get voted for also.

That would be cool. I could be a really great person for being a jelly bean inspector. Yeah, I know enough to do that extra good.

Man I wonder if you get your own hat with that job? Now that would be cool. I would like one of those you if it is available. If not, I can handle providing my own beanie for the occasion.


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