Tuesday, July 17, 2007


See now this is one idea that as far as I know hasn't been dealt with that good. The way I see it the main reason there are so many accidents is because people don't get to have big enough bumpers.

Now if cars had really big bumpers they wouldn't be able to get quite as close to each other. That is the way I think it ought to be.

After all, if you looked over and saw a car next to you with a bumper the size of say an elephant you sure wouldn't miss it would you? I know I wouldn't.

Just not sure why nobody else hasn't suggested it before me. I just think it would be so cool.

Yeah, you could make them out of marshmallows. Now how bad would that be? I think it would be wonderful.

When the bumper got too messed up you could eat it. In fact I think we ought to seriously consider making cars edible.

Think how cool that would be. Imagine when you had an accident in a car made out of ice cream?

It would be messy perhaps, but so yummy. I love the idea. Can't imagine anything more fabulous.

Now I do realize how that could be a big problem with some people. I mean in the summer time they might be like crashing their cars just to cool off.

We might have to work on that problem I guess. Probably make some substitute deal for smog checks.

Like have a deal where you can't crash your car unless you have had it enough time or they take away your spoons. I think that might work.

There might be a few how would not behave. We might just have to take away their hot fudge sauce.

That might be a little radical, but I guess if we had to we would. Sometimes you have to take such risks fro the sake of everyone else.

So let's rebuild those cars. Maybe some cookies even. And naturally jelly beans would be great too.

But no pressure on that part. They can be saved till next year's model if needed. We ca wait for good things.


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