Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Well for starters we know this is about opening something. A side to be exact. And this one to be more specific.

Ever wonder what the big deal is with that when you are talking about boxes? Is there like some law that if you don't open a given side they will like beat you up?

I just was wondering you know. Seemed like a fair question. Now I have to be honest I got to question if this is important?

I'm sorry, but frankly to me I have the right to open any darn thing I want. I don't care what side or even when.

And unless you are going to tell me my butt is going to fall off or something then I think I'm not going to worry about it. Unless you are like going to pretend putting that facing printing on some box makes it a crime to not open a given side.

As if the government will come and beat you silly if you try opening the wrong side. Boy all I can say is they sure better not come to my house and try that.

First of all they better be able to prove it. I think they call that do process. That is the process where you get what you are do. And how can they know what you are do if they didn't see you.

I reckon that is where they have the deal about having a search warrant. I guess that is a case of where have warranty on something and they like go searching for it or something.

Sounds like of weird to me actually. I think I will pass myself on that part. They can keep that stuff for somebody else.

But if they by chance do show up to do some searching I hear you can take the fifth commandment. Must have something to do with thou shall not touch my box side.

Well in the meantime, I'm not taking any chances. Just in case them sneaky box police are out hiding in some bushes.

I'm going to be sure I keep my drapes closed. Then no way they can even peek. Seems like the best choice to me.

Whew! Hope you don't have to worry about that. Honestly their are some really goofy people out there that believe some really strange things.

As for me, well I'm just being careful. That way I can hide the box side before anybody knocks on my door.

Works for me at least. Most things do.


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