Saturday, July 07, 2007


Okay, when somebody says that what's the big deal here? I mean are they wishing you to have a good evening or bragging that they are having one?

Just never clear on that part with some people. And if they are wishing you good evening are they saying like, "I'm saying this because I know you had a crappy day." Or is it more, "I know you had a good day so just make sure the night is the same?"

I figure that is one of those deals where you just never know what the person means for sure. Oh you can ask them, but most of the time they just always seem to want to pretend you are making the stuff up.

Let me tell you this thing really bugs me at times. It is so dang ridiculous. I'm telling you I would rather have somebody just wish me a so-so evening or not even wish me anything to that other crap.

You just got to worry about what they are thinking. And man if you don't know the person very well then it is hard to tell.

So if they pulls this good evening stuff, I always check around to make sure they aren't trying to pull something sneaky. That is really important to me.

I mean some people can be really clever and making you think they are your buddy and the whole time they got something planned that ain't good. You sure have to watch out for them.

Which can make the night even more of a pain. What is this dude is setting you up for some terrible problem? Like a real sick practical joke?

You can never be too careful in that sense. I know I have to be. Honestly, these people just are so untrustworthy. Oh yeah we don't need that.

At least I don't. And I'm working real hard to avoid it. Which means being dang sure I don't get suckered into believing just any old crap.

Oh yeah that really is important to me. I just can't think it would be fun to end up you know getting my hopes up for no reason.

So I'm getting myself prepared to settle in to wonder, do these dudes really want to mess with me or are they just being nice. Or perhaps they are really into something that I'll regret later.

But then you never can say for sure with some people. You just have to watch out no mater where you go. Because with some folks they will dare to risk you a good evening at the most unsuspected places.

It can be so dang scary. Got to watch out for that.


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