Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Heard this at times. You know good as in this will do. Meaning, it ain't what I want, but it will be okay since I don't want to gripe.

Course the problem is that this is all baloney. The person saying this really doesn't believe it. They are just saying it to keep people from being pissed off for them being a poor loser. Well maybe they aren't a loser too, but you know it feels that way.

I don't know, good as to me really isn't as good. It is just okay. And okay is fine if you want just enough to say it sounds like you can tolerate it even if you can't.

See that is the part that really sucks. When you have to treat something that you settle for as good enough, when you really don't feel that way.

We get a lot of this at STINK. They always end up with having us feel like something they have for us is good as whatever we would really want.

Now most of the time I put up with this. You know, because well, good as by Dr. Hemoglobin's definition means either we get what he offers or nothing at all. And let me tell you I'll take good as over nothing at all anytime in that case.

But that don't apply to old rat boy Junior, his son. Man I have never figured out how one clown could be related to our boss and be so totally different.

Honestly, Dr. Hemoglobin can be a pain at times, but at least he ain't no cheese freak. And he doesn't make cheese his only reason for living.

However, with Junior, man if he gets put in charge of food for example, watch out. Because you can be sure he'll give you a good as that will turn your stomach.

Why he even tried to convince us that good as applied to eating something from Truly Grimy. With that crude she cooks good as only applies if you are dead!

But Junior will do anything to save a buck if it means more he can spend on cheese. And you got it, when he has a chance he will be happy to say, whatever is as good as.

About the only thing that is fun with that is when he has to hold his breath in order to keep from puking from smelling something Truly fixed. Seeing him try to say it is good as that while holding his breath is a crack up.

Still that don't help my stomach if I get stuck with a plate of her crap in front of me. Not my idea of how to go on a diet either.

You can be sure of that. And there is no way it will be as good as regardless. To bad there is no as good as to replace Truly or Junior. I'll try to hope and imagine when I can the next time I get a plate of her stuff she calls food.


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