Saturday, June 23, 2007


Now this is one of those cool areas that to me is obvious. I mean it is amazing at times when stuff ends up like this. And sometimes that comes with stuff you think is cool.

Which is the problem at times with some people. They can start out looking and acting cool and then they end up having a melt down.

Which ends up always giving me grief because when they have brain drain they manage to screw up everything around them. Like this is a good thing.

As for talking to the person about it, you can forget it. When they get into my head is where the sun don't shine there is no way that adds up to a good and beneficial fun time.

Now what really sucks is if the person gets stuck in the mood. Man does that give you a headache. At least it does me.

Course over at STINK I'm used to dealing at times with dumb and stupid that is never other than dumb and stupid. That happens when I have to cope with somebody like rat boy Junior.

What can I say, all that cheese makes him goofy. I could handle goofy, but he always takes it to the dumb and stupid level.

Well at least from my view he does. Oh let me tell you, I sure would be thrilled if he got some smarts at times.

And if I had my choice I would be happy to help him out. Only problem is that my idea of smartening him up involves using my bat.

Otis won't let me try it either. He claims bashing Junior wouldn't make him any smarter. And the way I feel how could we know for sure till I gave him a couple of good whacks.

Oh well as much fun as that might be, I guess I'm stuck doing what I can to cope when Junior does act dumb and stupid. The easiest way for me is to try and pretend I didn't hear what he said.

Course sometimes I can lie that good. Which is when I just manage to stay out late on assignment to not see him.

Yeah it is all kind of silly. But then when it comes to dumb and stupid there are times when everything is silly.

Well don't imagine I have to worry about things changing any time soon. I am keeping my bat close by just in case.

But so far Otis won't listen on that part.


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