Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Okay rule number one, if you don't got all the other stuff to help, the hands alone don't end up helping that much. Man, let me tell you that is really a big problem with some people too.

Oh they will talk about helping you as in giving you a helping hand, but they won't actually do a darn thing to help. So the hands are sort of useless without the rest to go along.

And the worst thing is they jerks really think they are helpful. Yeah, this is not the kind of help that makes me smile that is for darn sure.

Course for me the worse thing I deal with in any of this is all in the name of one person. Yep, him, good old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin. You know I have to admit that there are times when I do sort of feel bad about bashing the dude that much.

But then I remember the number of times he did some really crappy, well er, crap. And when you work for a place that is suppose to get rid of crap that just ain't cool.

When it comes to having helping hands that in no way actually help, I will give him credit, he is the best. I mean man if there is one person whose hands are other helping in any case, it is Junior.

Oh let me tell you he will give you all kinds of advice on how to use your hands, but forget him actually using his own. That would interfere him using them to eat cheese.

Which is one thing you can count on with him. He never forgets time to eat cheese. The world might be coming to an end, but you can be darn sure he won't care.

Right up to the end, he would be gobbling down cheese. That might work for him, but let me tell you it sure don't help the rest of us.

As for any other stuff we have to deal with, well the one thing we don't do is ask for his help. Not that he would volunteer it anyway.

So we just do our best to not ask him if we can avoid it. That I wish was all it took. But there are times when Junior insists upon being involved.

Which is his way of basically sitting down and just you know telling us how to improve crap. Sort of like a helping tongue.

Only it ain't all that helpful considering he only is talking. That is providing he isn't using it to help chomp on some cheese.

It all is so much fun I guess. Not the kind I enjoy though. Which is why I use my hands to help myself to go somewhere that I don't have to see Junior.


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