Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Oh yeah, this is one of those deals that can be fun when you do it and really boring when somebody else does it. At least to me.

And I ain't being one of those dang hippo - fits when I say that. Besides I don't even know any hippos so I can hardly be expected to throw a fit like they do.

What I'm talking about is that if show off it is only because I'm a grimefighting super hero. You know I'm not doing it to say look at what I did, I'm just doing super hero thing.

Whereas with those other dudes they really bug me since they only do it to make you think they are like this super duper better than everyone else in the whole wide world thing. That sure is annoying too.

Now maybe if they actually did something once and a while it would be different, but otherwise I wish they would just shut up. And let me tell you that sure never happens.

The basic rule here seems to be the more they brag the less they do. Yeah it is such a pain in the butt.

Not as much as one time. See I use to listen to these guys and when they started bragging I thought, cool these guys are going to really be such a big help if I need it.

I only wish it worked that way. But let me tell you after that one time you can be sure I in no way plan on messing with trusting those jerks ever again.

I trusted one of them once to come and help me on a grimefighter assignment. He bragged all about how tough he was at battle griminals.

I sure got all excited figuring he would be there to help me out. Only when we did run into some griminals he made up some lame excuse about having a sprain in his toe nail.

Then he took off right before we had to duke it out with those creeps. Later after Otis and I got back to headquarters he was there bragging all about beating up the bad gusy.

What was worse was that when he saw us he didn't even stop bragging. It was like they all were so convinced he was telling the truth they never listened to us.

Personally, I wanted to give him a nice thank you with my bat, but Otis wouldn't let me. So we headed off to clean up.

Course later when Otis wasn't around, I did meet up with the guy. And I was pretty satisfied with how I handled it. Didn't even use my bat either. Nope just parked a Diaper service van on his chest. At least he didn't have a chance to do any more bragging and that was the best part.


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