Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I have this rule, well more like a theory when it comes to things you love to drink. My favorite drink is root beer. But I also like grape soda.

In any case what I've come to appreciate is that the more I'm really thirsty and looking forward to a big drink, the greater the chance is that I will spill it. Just one of those facts of life in my case that drives me nuts.

I'll come home from some really rough day as a grimefighter and go to fix myself a big drink and the something will happen. Then I'll have some spill, which will make some mess and also soak my clothes.

So not only do I end up having to clean up some mess, but I have to change clothes. And till I do I get the chills from that ice cold drink.

Plus the worse thing is that I'm dying of thirst and have to do all that crap before I get a chance to actually get a drink. Unless I spilled the last of the drink. Then that makes it even worse.

Because then not only do I have to clean up a mess and change clothes, but also have to go to the store for more drink. However, that is providing I don't have to wash clothes in the process because I just soaked my last part of clean clothes.

So all and all I pretty much know this whole deal sucks. Which is why I have to try and be extra careful getting home and being way to much in a hurry from thirst to be as careful as I should.

Only by the time I realize it, it is too late. By then the floor is covered in liquid, Otis is giving me that stupid, you did it again look and I got to go and change clothes.

All in all, not my idea of the perfect way to be when I come home. At least so far I don't treat it as fun.

About the only time I do treat it as fun is when Otis is the one who blows it. Somehow seeing him have to go through all that pain of cleaning and changing clothes just doesn't seem quite as bad.

I just have to remember that if he is in changing clothes not to drink all the soda. I mean there is nothing that is worse than that trip to the grocery store when I got a full tummy and Otis is dying of thirst.

Happy isn't quite how I would describe his attitude. And if he just sat there it would be different. But trust me it doesn't work that way.

Instead he insists upon talking. And let me tell you the one thing you don't want is to have him do that when he's pissed. That is enough to make anyone dying of thirst.


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