Sunday, June 03, 2007


I've seen this done in movies by the bad guys. They always say it to somebody when they are going to rob them.

But I personally think they are checking to see if you're deodorant is working right. Because who wants you know lots of money from some dude that stinks?

So I reckon it makes sense they would want to check your armpits for sweat. Only it does make me wonder why the good guys don't get to say the same thing. Seems kind of unfair. It is like if you are a good guy your nose doesn't smell what stinks.

And let me tell you that doesn't work for me. No way I want to pretend that as a grimefighter and Super hero that I never smell anything. Shoot I wish that were true.

But let me tell you when I'm picking up the garbage it really stinks at times. It smells so bad I can't even explain how bad it smells. Guess it is good for you that you can't smell it.

Because let me tell you I don't think you would be to inspired to do much more reading if what you read make your nose hairs curl. Okay, there have been a couple of people who said that about what I write, but I figure they were just being weird.

So you can take somebody like that serious. Besides it ain't like you have to read what I write anyway.

As for the other folks, well all I can say, is I do try to help by sharing a thought or two that will inspire. Sometimes people ain't as appreciate of my efforts as I would hope, but then I keep trying.

In any case, getting back to this whole stick em up thing, I just still think it is an unfair deal to with just haven't the noses of the bad guys get any attention. There is something wrong with that deal.

Anyway, I suppose I ain't going to get them to change. Just like that other saying about reach for the sky.

Which to me is nearly as dumb. Who has arms long enough to do that? They still say it though like it is no big deal.

I guess there is some clown somewhere that makes all this stupid crude up. Yeah, I bet he sits back and laughs his head off about how he suckers us into saying this crap too.

If I didn't know any better, I would swear it was that creep Rat Boy, Junior Hemoglobin that started this kind of saying. He is the type who would do something like that. Yeah, but in his case, he would do it when you had some cheese on you so you could end up having him steal it while your hands were in the air.


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