Sunday, May 27, 2007


Now let me tell you this ought to be the coolest thing ever. But that would require the person to be the coolest ever.

And let me tell you some of the dudes that I've heard this said about are anything, but cool. With them, there he is comes as a warning, meaning run for your lives, that dirty rat is coming.

Honestly, how come something good always ends up as something sucky? Why can good only be for good things?

Well, it would be, er good wouldn't it? Only I don't think that will ever happen. Not as long as that old darn rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin, is hanging around.

Let me tell you, I have no idea what the good Lord was thinking when he decided to invent Junior. I can only think it was to you know help out the poor cheese makers. Maybe they didn't have enough business or something.

But was it really fair to the rest of us? I ask you couldn't he come up with a better way of helping them dudes without producing some creep who could make even Santa Claus puke?

Guess I'll never get a chance to answer that one though. I mean if I was given an option, with Junior, you would only have to say, thank god he's leaving.

However, that don't happen no matter how much I keep hoping. I even went over and say the Reverend Analbe once to, you know, to see if he could check with God on that part.

I figured maybe the good Lord was extra busy or perhaps having an off day when he got around to Junior. And what with being busy running the universe perhaps he just hasn't had a chance to check the dude out lately.

Now, I'm not unrealistic here. I appreciate that you can't just make Junior disappear. Trust me if I had ever had a chance I would have figured out that one myself.

But no way I could be that lucky. So I'm stuck just hoping maybe God will change his mind and give the rest of us a break.

Shoot he could even have Junior luck out and become owner of a cheese factory. I wouldn't mind if that happen.

But then I guess the poor working people who have to work there might be miserable in the process. So perhaps it wouldn't be so cool.

I mean after all they could mess up and make some really bad cheese. And who wants to bite down into a burger with rotten cheese?


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