Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Oh boy is this fun or what? This isn't yeah, or yes, it is yep. Which is even cooler in my book. I love it when Otis says it.

That is because he saves it for the times when he wants to agree to do something fun. Normally like when we are on stake out or something crappy assignment and deserve a break.

So if he says yep, I know it will mean we are going to get something cool in the process. And that makes the whole night lots of fun for me.

Whereas if Otis says yes, well that's kind of formal. It means something to eat, but nothing fun, just something that is generally boring.

If he says yeah, that is a little cooler. Just not as cool as with yep. That means we will find something to eat, but he's not too concerned if it is great.

So that for me translated into wait and see. Which I never know tell we stop somewhere if it will be really great or just okay.

Now the thing is I imagine some people might think you know that being a super hero I ought to be more concerned about other junk that eating. And I am honest.

I worry about fighting grime and catchy griminals. I concern myself about keep the world clean and save from fith.

But doing all of that is something that works up such an appetite. So you got to allow me the right to get a break on the food thing.

After all it is only fair you know. A super hero needs super food in order to have super strength.

Otherwise how can I really do lots of cool super hero stuff that can truly be considered as super? It only makes sense to me.

I just wish more people were cooperative and understanding. I mean there I am out on dump stakeout all day, having to stand in some pile of rotting garbage. Afterwards I'm tired and hungry.

But if I stop off somewhere to get something to eat, do they thank me for saving their butts from possible grime? Heck no, they look at me like I was disgusting.

I tell you those wrinkled noses they have sure don't say thank you very well. And man, try wanting to sit down in some place instead of asking for the stuff to go. Let me tell you the word, yep, is not the one you are going to hear. It is a whole lot of others, but they all come down to his please leave. Some thank you huh?


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