Monday, May 14, 2007


Now I guess this is a good thing. I mean it is sort of like thinking up junk you didn't think of before. And it is even better if nobody else thought of it first.

That can be the tough part though. I mean you can think up something and figure it is special and unique. Then you go off feeling so good and figuring you are some kind of genius.

Which would be wonderful except for having some clown you know who is practically brain dead end up thinking the same thing. It is kind of frustrating. I mean they dude shouldn't be allowed to say something smart if he is an idiot.

Just doesn't seem right. I work really hard at this idea thing. Strain my brain to no end trying to come up with cool thoughts and then the next thing that happens is I have to hear that idea from somebody else.

Well, guess I just have to tolerate that kind of situation. It doesn't mean I have to like it, but I will tolerate it.

What really drives me nuts though is having some weird dude trying to pass off completely insane thing as a good idea. Now that is when it gets scary.

It truly does worry me when I hear some of the junk people come up with that they think are good ideas. You just have to sit and shake your head and wonder.

Yeah, that is something, which truly bugs the heck out of me at times. Like you want to sit and strangle them for being jerks.

It probably wouldn't do any good anyway. Such people never do run out of ideas. At least what they call ideas.

And let me tell you if ideas and you can't be serious are the same thing, then it is cool. Sure doesn't work for me though.

But at least I do what I can to avoid such guys. It gets easier when my buddy Otis helps. He's really good at finding ways to get those rascals to go somewhere else.

If I'm really lucky he'll manage to send all those wackys to see Junior. That is admittedly the best idea you can have.

As for me, well I'm working on the best idea I can think of. How to turn air into jelly beans.

The first problem is trying to figure out how to get the sugar to stick to the air. But I reckon once I get the hang of that part the rest will be easy. I mean coloring the air ought to be easy I imagine.


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