Thursday, May 10, 2007


This is an awful feeling. It happens when you forget to put some dryer sheets into the dryer. Then all that stuff they call static electricity drives you nuts by making so many of your clothes stick together. Which normally includes socks.

Now I ask you, can't we figure a way to stop this problem? How come the electric company people can't do something about it? I mean they are supposed to be the experts right?

And you know I even went to so far as to call them to find out if they were going to fix this problem. I mean heck, you figure they would want to just so they could not have any free electricity running around.

I wish I could say it worked out okay. But you would have thought they might have appreciated the call. Like I said you would have thought they might have felt grateful that I called.

Man from the way that lady in customer service behaved you would think I was calling them to complain. That's the thanks I get for trying to help.

All I wanted was for them to come over and take the leaking electricity out of my dryer so it would cause so many problems with my socks. Is that to much to ask?

I guess it was for them. Why that darn lady got so down right insulting when I called, like she was pissed that I even bothered to call.

And no matter how I tried to explain it she kept insisting they didn't do anything with gas dryers. I wasn't asking her to do anything about the gas part. Just get rid of the darn electric part.

But she just flat refused to send anybody over to help. Which sure didn't help me with my problem.

So I figured the only way to improve this problem was to figure a way to show them the problem. Which is exactly what I did.

I walked over to that place where the electric company was located with a big basket of my dried clothes. I figured once they saw my problem it would make a difference.

Wish it did. The lady behind the counter wasn't any more helpful than the lady on the phone.

At least I did solve the problem to one degree. They shut off our electricity. I haven't told Otis yet. For now my socks aren't having problems with electricity. They are cleaned, but that is different problem.

Just have to hope Otis can figure how to get some batteries to replace the electric company.


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