Monday, April 30, 2007


Who can complain about this? Not me. It just don't happen that often. At least not the kind I want.

Which sort of puts a twist on the whole good find thing. See on the one hand it is "good" to find some things, as a opposed to not finding them.

Like with some griminals. It is so great to find them. Man does that make my day. You see them lying on the ground, unconscious from having met my little wooden buddy and I just feel so darn good.

Only they are not good you understand. They are dirty creeps. So the find is good in how it makes me feel, but the thing you find is not.

That isn't you understand the kind of good that I prefer to find. Well not in terms of stuff I'm really looking at as making me happy.

Nope, that kind of find makes me smile as a grimefighter, but don't make me find the kind of good that fills my tummy. That is the kind of good that really is a great find.

And believe me the finding part is not easy. Well you can locate them easy enough at times. Just go to the grocery store.

Only that isn't a good find in my book. Because they might be good in one way, but not another.

But that isn't my view of a good find in terms of it not costing you anything. See that is the part that I look at as good in a find. It doesn't cost you anything.

Okay, you can call me being picky, but dang it all, for it to really make me feel good, I want it to be free. Then I don't end up having to groan about it.

For me that happens the best when I get to find some place having a give away. Like with free samples. That truly makes it great.

Man there is nothing better to me than going over to the mall and finding some place that is giving away free samples. Providing they don't get stingy about it.

I mean free ought to mean free. It shouldn't mean free for once. As in you only get one free whatever.

It is like they say, free samples. So samples means more than one. Right? So what gives with this only one business.

Try claiming one is more than one. It doesn't work for me. It just sucks and that never makes me happy. Although it doesn't mean I succeed in convincing them of that. But I'm working on that part.


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