Monday, April 23, 2007


Now I know they call it fast food, but I never thought of it as something I would eat while running. In fact I never run if I can avoid it. I figure if God intended us to run he wouldn't have given us wheels and other stuff for sitting on our butts and getting places.

So I guess I haven't quite figured out this whole business of eating and running. I have heard running is suppose to be some kind of good exercise. But I'd be inclined to see how worrying I was going to spill my pop while running would be a cool think.

Just heard it said too often you know how somebody hated to eat and run. They never says eat then run, so I assume they plan on doing both, which I still see as pretty darn stupid.

What they get as a good part in any of this I have no idea. But I assume they get some benefit. Just not sure I'm very anxious to find out.

And frankly I hope none of those dudes are in a hurry to expect me to join them. You know how that works. Man some people are never content unless they get you to join them in their insanity.

Which is fine if you don't mind being part of it. However, if you have any inclination towards being other than insane you might not care to join.

Still, it doesn't keep them from making all those silly hints. Like I'm really supposed to believe that somehow this running and eating thing is a good deal.

I'm sorry, but I just am not going to warm up to this idea. Neither am I going to buy into the idea that the term "to go" somehow is suppose to be a hint that you need to do any going when you get the "to" part.

Which is why I'm not falling for any of that stuff. Nope they can risk spilling and getting an upset stomach. That's okay with me.

Because I'm definitely not going to get caught up in that silliness. Oh they might think they can sucker me into such stuff, but it ain't going to happen.

So they can have all their stupid fun if you want to call it that. And they can toddle off from some fast food place with that eat and run junk.

As for me, I'm just going to sit back and suck up all the free pop I can get from the drink bar. They can have that running stuff.

For I know one thing they didn't think of. You can't get a straw long enough to sip from the drink bar when running. See, they didn't think of that part.

So perhaps they aren't as smart as they think. Which I find, but I'm the one with the full tummy.


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