Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Yep, this is definitely a good thing. It never hurts to make sure something is correct and you don't have the facts wrong.

Course you know it can be such a pain at times. After all double checking junk can be so time consuming.

Which is the one nice thing about buying junk in packages. You can always depend on the dudes who take the time to inspect those packages to be sure you get some decent help making sure they are okay.

The big problem is comes up from not knowing the person. That can be such a pain when you don't actually know these inspectors in person.

I'm sure they are decent enough folks. At least I hope so. Only if you can talk to them for sure how can you actually trust their opinion?

I thought about it a lot the other day. Kind of got concerned about the ones that mess with food. I mean what if the dude as a cold or something? And what if gets sick and misses a day? Then who does the inspecting? And do they get perhaps rusty from only filling in when the regular dude is off sick? Plus do you know for sure they wash their hands first?

Come on now, admit you have never worried about any of that? But no problem. You can be very happy to know that good ole Philo had been working on that problem.]

As a matter of fact I took the time just the other day to go by the grocery store and do what I could to get the info straight from, as they say, the horse's mouth. Naturally, they don't have any horses in the grocery store. Which is probably a good thing.

So I did the next best thing. I went over and talk to the store manager. Seemed reasonable to talk to him.

Otis says he acts like a horse's ass most of the time. So it only makes sense that if you want it from the horse's mouth then you might as well talk to a dude is at least to some degree acting like a horse's whatever.

I got no idea if being a horse's ass in any way affects what he says in terms of being horse like. Don't reckon I'll find out any time soon either.

Because when I was talking to him and explaining all about the inspector thing and also the horse thing. He was okay till I got to the part about where Otis mentioned him being a horse's ass.

He didn't quite seem to think it was cool. In fact he sort of suggested that perhaps we should shop elsewhere from now on. Never did get any answer on the inspector thing. I think he was in sort of hurry too. Seems kind of sick and got all red face after I mentioned what Otis said. Reckon I will have to ask the next store manager that when I find a store next time that doesn't ask us to go elsewhere.


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