Sunday, April 15, 2007


Let me tell you there are times when I sure do hate having to deal with those guys over at STINK who give us directions. Sometimes I swear they have no idea what a map looks like.

Now that wouldn't be so bad if they the ability when they gave you wrong information to say so. But they never do. They always give you some lame reason why you ended up somewhere other than where you were suppose to be.

Not once do they ever actually say, hey I blew it, I'm sorry. It was all my fault. You can forget ever hearing that.

I'm sorry, but if they give us an address where we are suppose to go on stakeout it just seems it ought to be a real address. You know one where when you get there and the number actually exists. Yeah, it sort of makes a big difference.

With alleys of course it is a different issue. Because alleys often don't have addressed. But generally they are located behind something that does.

Which is kind of helpful if you happen to be given that address. Again even a few comments to get you in the ball bark would help.

None of which matters to much to these guys let me tell you. They can give you the dumbness directions you can imagine.

What makes it all confusing is when they are right. Those are the times you really struggle with.

Because you get so used to them being wrong just can't believe they lucked out and were right for a change. Kind of like winning the lottery.

Believe me I have sure expressed that problem at STINK too. Man like that does any good.

If you want to complain you have to fill out an complaint form. And then you have to take and turn the form in.

Afterwards the complain form is sent to the person who you are complaining about and then you have to wait for them to respond back. Which can take forever.

Then when they do, you get a bunch of stupid reasons for why they didn't do anything wrong. None of which helps you in any way to keep from getting lost again.

Otis keeps saying that we need to work through they system. As for myself, shoot I just prefer to get a map book. But with my luck those guys over at STINK probably wrote it. So you know what happens then. You have to get used to being lost a lot.


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