Friday, April 13, 2007


Not sure exactly where this is located, but I sure don't wish to visit there. And I don't think I want to try and get directions either. You can forget that part.

So I think I'll let somebody spent time visiting. Providing they think it is a good idea. Actually, I heard about this over at STINK.

One of the guys was talking about visiting bummerville after he dated some girl. I assumed she lived there for some reason. Doesn't sound like a good place to me.

I can only figure there must be some advantage to living there that I don't appreciate. Not that I want to find out, but must be okay for people like that lady.

As for myself, I think I'll just stay with where I live in an apartment with my buddy Otis. It might not be a mansion, but it ain't bummerville either.

I haven't bothered to ask my buddy if he knows where it is either. I'm kind of afraid to ask. Honestly, he might want to go there and I don't think I want to risk it.

Course, I suppose I wouldn't mind like seeing some video about the place. One of those travel type that tell you all the cool spots to visit when you go some place different.

It is just hard to figure out what kind of cool places they might have in a location called bummerville? Sort of freaks me out just to try and imagine the possibilities.

Heck, what kind of possible fun stuff can you expect from a place that bums you out? Sure can't be any thing close to my idea.

Which means obvious they don't sell jelly beans. God that would be so awful. I just would not care to spend a day in a place that you can't get at least an occasional jelly bean.

So I assume they don't have any candy stores either. Man that is even more scary. How the heck could any one be expect to survive without sugar?

I tell you that would sure bum me out big time. Only what kind of sick mind would want to live there?

Well I suppose it would still be better than trying to hang with old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin. Now that would really be about that same.

In any case since I don't plan on hanging with Junior I think I'm safe. Yeah, I can be happy that no matter what else happens that part of bummerville I can avoid.

Sometimes it really is the little things that make you have a reason to smile. And even if that doesn't include making Junior live there I'll cope.


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