Tuesday, April 03, 2007


For me these are the times when people say something is no problem and instead it turns out to be a real pain in the butt. Which does not make me a happy anything.

I should say happy camper, but I don't like camping and so that never makes me happy. Besides, I would rather be a real happy than some never happy dude because some jerk made something sound happy and easy and it wasn't either.

Of course the person who tells you something is nice when it really isn't never admits that they were not correct. They always come up with some lame excuse on how it really is okay.

It never really is okay though. You end up with a headache or worse and they go off singing and wishing you to have a nice day. Like that is really going to happen.

Now if they would actually stop and think about their dumb comments it might be nice. But no, they never do.

They just go one, continuing to act like everything is okay. As if doing that really in any way helps the rest of us.

Do they really care? Not sure at times. Oh you can point it out to those knuckleheads, but that doesn't mean they will listen?

Heck no! Those dudes could be told like the end of the world was coming in two hours and they would act like, hmmm, I wonder will I'll go for vacation next week?

Yep, I'm talking that stupid. Let me tell you they really are pathetic. And I do my best to avoid talking to them.

Which isn't easy since they almost always figure a way to have a reason to find you. Even if you do your best to hide from them, they will come where you are hiding. It is like they have some kind of map that reads, "Go drive this person insane."

And believe me they do a darn good job at it too. There really are some things you don't need to be proud about.

Being that kind of person is one of them. That makes it worse since they call such stuff being uplifting.

The only way that is uplifting to me is if I get to lift them off the ground with my bat. Oh yeah now that is really nice without being queasy.

Only Otis at times messes that option us for me. It really is a pain in the butt too. But one copes with these disappointments. And then one moves on. To hopefully somewhere that the nice is really nice without being queasy..


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