Sunday, April 01, 2007


This is a very important job when you think about it. Heck, if nobody was around to raise the flag then think of all the days we wouldn't be sure it was really day.

Oh you might think that would never happen, but let me tell you it sure could. I mean it does stay light later on some times of the year. So what if you like went out and saw some flag pole and no flag. You could go like bonkers cuckoo. That would be awful.

I for one don't want to risk it. Only I'm not sure who to check with in order to find out what dude is he official flag raising person.

Plus man, there are so many flags around. If one poor guy has to do all those flags, man is that an exhausting idea.

Sure glad it isn't my choice. I hear that when you take down a flag you have to fold it a certain way. Otherwise you end up with it touching it ain't suppose to touch and then you have to burn your underwear. Gosh I hope you don't have to do it while you are still wearing it.

Talk about a pain in the butt. Jeez, now that would really hurt. Who makes up such crazy rules?

I'm telling you one thing, if anybody wants me to mess with raising or taking down a flag they better now show up with a can of lighter fluid and some matches. Because you can be darn sure I ain't going to just sit back and bend over for that one.

Now maybe I'm strange in that regard. Perhaps the flag dudes think nothing of getting their butts barbecued for folding a flag wrong.

Frankly, I would be inclined to wonder if such people have got a problem if they want to run around with their rear ends scorched just for not knowing how to fold a flag. Really leave you thinking such people are totally in need of some kind of help.

Maybe all they need is you know, a little help learning how to fold flags. I know I bet the people who fold maps could help.

Shoot those guys are amazing. I mean shoot I can never get a map folded back correctly once I unfold it. I think they are pretty darn sneaky in that regard.

Well, I'm not taking any chances. I'm going to just be sure next time I find a flag pole that I don't forget to watch out for those crazies with the lighter fluid.

Just when you thought you had enough to worry about, there are these kinds of things that really drive you nuts. I sure wish people would spend more time warning us about such things. But apparently they leave it to people like me to spread the word and hopefully it won't result in some fire spreading.


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