Monday, March 26, 2007


Alright who is this dude Moly and what makes him holy? I feel if people are going around talking about this Moly character like he's somebody special he might be worth meeting.

I wonder if he has a church anywhere? Or perhaps he just goes door to door like some of those other dudes who want to make sure you get woke up on Saturday morning to know the world is coming to an end.

I just hope this Moly character ain't like them. There is just something really depressing to have somebody wake you up on Saturday morning just to let you know you're going to die. Really doesn't wake me up in a good way from my point of view.

You try getting them to appreciate that too. That is providing you can get them to shut up long enough to listen. Which is definitely not easy with some of those folks.

Course I don't recall them every talking about this Moly character. I wonder if by any chance he happened to have invented avocadoes or was the first to make it into guacamole? Yeah, perhaps he's got some kind of you know royalties off of each batch.

Then it would explain how he wouldn't have to worry about money. That would be a lot better than with those other dudes that I have to deal with who keep talking about God, but always need your money. Like if I give it to them they will shut up and give me a break on telling me how the world is going to end.

Meanwhile, I think it would be nice to find out how to reach his Moly dude. You know in case he has any special tips on how to make guacamole if for no other reason.

Really you would think the guy wouldn't be in any way a big deal seeing how he is supposed to be holy and all. Course then, perhaps the holy part means he as trouble with wearing old underwear far too long.

But then it I kind of wonder if he would bother to make sure anybody knew about it? Well at least I have to wonder. Others might not see it that way.

I suppose that it will have to wait till I find out where to get in touch with him. Maybe I'll stop by the grocery store in case he love hanging around the ice cream.

No wait, he be around the avocadoes. Hmmm, I wonder where they keep those? Oh now I remember. It is over with the dips. Yeah that is where we always get our guacamole when Otis buys it.

Um, I wonder if they happen to have avocadoes that aren't already made into guacamole? I bet they do. Yeah, I'm sure somebody will know where I can find them.

I'll just head over to the store and ask them if anybody has seen Holy Moly yet.


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