Sunday, March 18, 2007


Like this should really be any big deal? Home again is a good thing at times. But not all the time.

At least, when, for example, if you have something really important to do. Then home again can really suck big time.

Only problem is that none of those darn people who bring up this thing about home again don't seem to mention that part at all. Man, this business of home again, home again. Jeez, where's the sense in that? None to me, if you want my opinion.

And what the heck is a jiggity or a jig? Sounds discussing if you ask me. I mean the only jig I know about is the one that is up when the bad guys blow it. They never even mention what the stupid jig is. Only that it is up.

Makes me wonder why it is never down? Is that a bad thing? Well with the bad guys, that would be er, a good thing I guess? So down is actually good when you are talking bad guys. And up then is bad for some reason.

I reckon that makes sense to the bad guys. Which is the important part. Seeing how I'm part of the good guys, it doesn't make any sense to me.

But I'll tell you one thing, them jiggity things better not be hanging around my home when I get there. Actually, it says home and I live in apartment. So maybe that would confuse them a tad.

Yeah, then I would have a chance to be on the watch out for them. Whew! I like that idea.

Just wish I had some idea what the heck these darn jiggity things look like. And maybe the jig things too.

Boy you never imagine just going home could be such a pain. All that way and then having to worry about the risk of a sneak attack.

I wonder if there is somebody I can check with to make sure this doesn't happen. Shoot I bet there has to be some kind of government department that watches out for jiggitys and jigs?

Seems like there would be no problem finding out, which department handles that function. No doubt it would be under K somewhere.

Well that would rule out places like the CIA and FBI since they don't have any J's in their name. They do have an I in both of them. Guess there must be some big time I problems out there. Guess I won't worry about that one too much.

Leave that for the other folks to fret over. Oh yeah, that would be so cool to have one less thing to worry about.


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