Wednesday, March 14, 2007


That whatever stuff can really get you in big trouble. There is too much whatever stuff out there.

Which is a big deal if you aren't sure what all is included in the whatever. That happens a lot to me.

It might not if I didn't have to cope with the whatevers I get from the likes of old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin. His idea of whatever is from my point of view something totally devoted to driving others nuts.

It might not be so bad if he told you all the whatever he meant when he first brought it up. But he only starts out saying whatever and then later it gets absolutely stupid.

When I say stupid, I mean it too. After all, whatever ought to make some sense. Even with whatever you got to have some what that fits with the ever part.

But not with that clown. Jeez, when he says whatever, he means like anything in the whole wide world. Which is pretty darn big.

Now you would think even for a cheese addict he could stop hording cheese enough to figure that part out for himself. But NOOOO.

In any case, I'll just do my best to survive his stupidity. It ain't easy at times. When he gets on this whatever junk it makes things even worse.

See with him, he'll tell us to go and bag the griminals. That part is cool and makes sense. Then he tell us stuff like what all the things he expects us to do once we find them dudes.

That's when the stupid whatever starts. We'll ask him about some problems that his stupid assignment created. Like telling us to be somewhere at a given time and then not making sure we know how to get there.

When we point it out, he says whatever. Like that really is helping the situation. And if we try to get him to be more specific, he just uses that silly part about us being professionals and to use our own judgment.

That really is the part of his whatever that I really hate the most. However, Otis won't let me whatever that creep with my bat.

Personally, I think it would be one forever that would at least make me smile. But then just not having Junior ever say whatever would be cool enough.

Well, I keep hoping that one of these days I'll accidentally on purpose get a chance to use my bat to shut old Junior up on this thing. And if by chance Otis complains, then I can say whatever. I'm that seems fair. At least to me.


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