Sunday, March 04, 2007


Oh my god does this sound scary. I mean I can only imagine how this happens. Yeah, I bet it is some dude on a jet who decides to open a window. Man talk about stupid.

I would think somebody would be smart enough to know you aren't suppose to open the window on a jet when you are flying up in the sky. What kind of lunatic would do that?

I mean clouds are cool and all, but do you really want them sucked into a plane? Is this a good thing that I just never heard of for some reason.

Now I realize that flying can be rather scary for some people. But I don't think fogging an air plane up is necessarily going to help the problem.

I know they do have things you could do instead, like not flying. That would be my advice.

It sure would be a whole lot more far to the other passengers you know. I would hate to be sitting there enjoying watching some movie and then it gets all foggy. That sure would suck from my point of view.

Even worse would be if you were there and eating a meal. I sure wouldn't enjoy suddenly not being able to see my plate. This would be a good thing?

Not from where I'm sitting. Which I admit is not on a plane thank goodness. Because I sure don't want to ride on any stupid plane next to some clown who is going to spend his whole time eyeing the window and figuring out the best time to open it.

I do admit that perhaps it might have been a cool thing if you know some dude has to fart he would open a window. I would hope he or she would at least have the good taste to head over to the bathroom and do that kind of thing there.

I realize that when the body calls you have to answer it. Just hope that the person is decent enough to try at least and make it to the bathroom.

However, I know there are those darn stinkers out there that are plain uncaring about other people's nostrils. Shoot some jerks just enjoy it.

Now for those guys, I would just as soon open the window myself to throw them out of it. I could manage to enjoy that part.

Only you know people are kind of picky about stuff like that. I mean fart or no fart the just don't seem to appreciate the idea of you taking matters into your own hands.

I guess I can't blame them. I mean there is that problem of having some jerk tossed out of window end up landing on somebody on the ground. Yeah, I wouldn't like much self and especially if there had just farted.


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