Thursday, March 01, 2007


What's so kindly about bossing people around? That's what I would like to know. It don't seem that qualifies from my point of view.

I was over at this museum the other day. I had to drop off this delivery for my boss, Dr. Hemoglobin. He thought they would enjoy having this old gadget he had lying in a closet that didn't work any more.

I'm not even sure what thing did when it did work, but I understood somebody told him that if you give it to a museum you can claim it as a tax deduction. So he figured giving it to them was better than just letting it sit in a closet.

Well they had this one room that was kind of devoted to you know some dead dudes. Which is very thoughtful I guess. Not sure the dead dude knew about it. I mean as in when they were alive.

At least I had no way of knowing if the person knew about it while they were still alive. Course you know that one guy they talked about had been real famous for fighting fires and stuff and I guess fought one fire too many or something. That part was a little vague. I just could till he didn't die in his bed.

Anyway, I guess it would be kind of tough to be talking about how great this guy had been if getting turned into ashes was part of what made him famous. I doubt he would have thought at that moment it was worth it. Not that I had a chance to ask him.

Well the thing was, when you entered this room they had this sign that said kindly remove your hat. Not sure why they needed it. Is wearing a hat supposedly going to upset the dead dudes?

So there I was standing there after I made my delivery and just enjoying the cool of that room. Kind of looking around and a little confused since I really didn't know any of these guys.

Then this big security guard came up to me and got all upset for not removing my beanie. Now I pointed out to him that the sign said hats and didn't mention a word about beanies.

But he didn't see it that way. He said a beanie was the same as a hat. Even though I insisted if they meant beanies they would have mentioned it. Since they didn't then it shouldn't count.

Well he sure didn't like that answer. And then I pointed out how he was wearing a guard's hat. And he claimed that was different since it was part of his uniform.

I tried to explain how my beanie was part of my uniform as a grimefighter, but he sure wasn't in a mood to listen. Sure glad I managed to leave before things got too bad. And I sure after that guard woke up when I used that statue to bash him to end the argument he thought different about hats. Hope so at least.


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