Monday, February 19, 2007


Darn, don't you hate when that happens? I sure do. Here you are all feeling so darn good that you are soo good at something and then whammo you end up making a disaster.

And then after you think you figured out what you did wrong and try to do it right, you end up screwing it up again. God is that a pain in the butt or what?

There really ain't much you can say in that situation you know. Basically, OOPS works for me. Well sometimes at least that works.

There are others when nobody buys the idea of OOPS. And if they don't believe the first OOPS they sure won't believe a second one let me tell you. Man do I hate that.

Now the thing is you know an OOPs is from an accident. And that makes sense since you didn't do it on purpose.

That is the part that can get tricky at times. Some people really do have a problem believing things were an accident.

Let me tell you for example say if I happen to you know accidentally manage to eat up all the ice cream in the freezer. I mean it really didn't start out with that being my intention you understand. It just sort of happened.

And I just wish that I could have convinced Otis that was the case. He didn't think it was that much of an OOPS.

Well let me tell you as hard as Otis is at accepting some things are a OOPS he is far more agreeable on that subject than our boss. Man does he not believe in any thing being an OOPS.

Okay, I do admit that there are times when Otis has sort of stretch the true. Alright, he didn't stretch the truth, he down right broke it.

Let me tell you I sure wish our boss could appreciate the times when there was a difference between the times when were fibbing and those that were real accidents. But he just treats them all as the same.

Well, that doesn't keep us from using the OOPs option when we can. It doesn't always work, but it is better than just saying it was somebody else's fault.

That is the real hard part. I sure learned my lesson on that one. I mean if you are going to say somebody else did it you just got to make sure the person actually was around. It really makes a whole lot of difference in the blaming department.

Which is one of those things I'm still learning to figure out. And maybe I can do it too without too many OOPs.


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