Friday, February 16, 2007


Who can pass up the simple joy of a loving a nice slice of luscious cake? It just makes me quiver to think of. Man the anticipation of that tastes gives me goose bumps.

Which is way I hate the times when people mess it up who are too stupid to even know what a real slice of cake tastes like. Some people are so sad that they can figure out something as simple as cake verses something else.

Take for example this knucklehead over at STINK. This moron wouldn't know cake if you shoved it under his nose and put a big sign on it that shouted CAKE, CAKE, CAKE!

This bozo is always talking about the stupidest things as being cakes. Honestly it is so incredible.

Like the time we had this really disgusting mission to go on. They type where you know the griminals are extra nasty and there is no way they will remotely behave themselves. It is just a case of bashing them till they give up or bleed to the point of being unconscious, which ever comes first.

Does any of that describe a cake of any kind to you? Me either. Try explaining it to this moron.

Will somebody please explain to me how in the world anybody could confuse a tasty piece of frosted cake with something else? Don't they teach people in school a simple thing like how to recognize a piece of cake from getting the snot beat out of you.

This is unbelievable to me. Honestly it is just beyond my capacity to grasp how somebody could reach a decent age and not be capable of knowing cake from something else.

Now what is worse, is I even took the time to give him a real piece of cake to be sure he knew what it looked like. He ate it easy enough. Didn't seem to have any trouble figuring out what to do with a fork. That was a relief.

Or so I thought. I honestly figure it would help. But that clown didn't learn a thing. Why the other day he was at it again.

He started talking about how doing this other chore was piece of cake. Otis wouldn't even let me bash the idiot either.

His solution was to shut the dude up by giving him a piece of cake. If it had been my choice I would have shut him up by stuffing it in his mouth.

Otis wouldn't let me do that though. However, I tell you one thing, the next time I see this dude mention something is a piece of cake when it isn't I going to wait till Otis isn't looking and take care of that problem my way.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "If you write on a bathroom wall instead of a brick wall shouldn't they call it crapffitti?"


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