Sunday, February 11, 2007


I sort of heard this once on an old movie. They were in this church and doing church stuff that people normally do in church and then started singing. I think that is some sort of a law you know that if you stay in a church long enough you've got to do a certain amount of singing.

And if you ain't a good singer, it is okay to hum since they call the songs in church hums or hims. Guess there ain't no hers songs so I hope the gals won't get pissed off.

Anyway there they were singing this song about giving them this old time a bridge in. What they were going to do with this bridge nobody ever explained, but I'm sure it was pretty darn important.

If you ask me though I would have thought that they would have wanted something like old time religion, providing you wanted old stuff in the first place. I don't mind old stuff, you know like when you buy stuff at a thrift store. That is generally junk that is kind of worn out, but you know still okay to use.

I wonder if old time religion would be kind of worn out? And would you really want a bridge that was old and worn out. Plus bridges are pretty darn big, where the heck would you keep the thing?

It sure must have been a big deal to these folks if they went to the trouble of singing about it though. I reckon it was one of those things were you had to be there.

Gee, I wonder if they were talking about a toll bridge? Yeah, maybe that was it. You know how they are always looking for money in a church. Maybe they hoped it would help out if they got some extra money from a toll bridge.

I guess you could put on up that lead to the parking lot of a church. But seeing how the church already has what they call an offer-ring, where they come to you with this dinner plate and expect you to put money in it, I doubt the bridge think would be a big deal.

And I know this offer-ring thing just has to be God's idea since the Reverend Analbe talks to God personally and he is always asking for money. Only so far no matter how much I tossed in that plate he never offers me any ring that I can remember. Seems like he kind of forgets about that part.

In any case I don't think I'll worry about it too much. Although I did hear that over in this one place this guy was trying to sell something call the Brooklyn Bridge. I didn't hear how old it was though. It might not be old enough for those folks in that church

So maybe they wouldn't want that bridge. Which was the other part. They never did mention the size of bridge they wanted either.

Shoot they got on over at the miniature golf course that might be something they could get. And I reckon it is old too. Maybe the next time I see the Reverend Analbe I'll mention it to him, even though he never seems to enjoy my suggestions.


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