Friday, February 09, 2007


Now what really sucks is how this applies to way too many things. I just don't get it. How come the stuff some people claim is easy is never really easy.

And if you point that out to somebody they tell you that you are nuts. Like everything in the world is perfect and nobody has BO. Yeah, like that is going to happen.

Well, I have my own way of dealing with crap that is not easy. I put it on my list. I have all kinds of categories. There is "that close list." Those are the things that are almost easy, but still are a pain in the butt.

However, those are still a lot better than the "you've got to be kidding" category. Those are the ones that aren't impossible, but will probably never actually happen. So they are generally the ones that some knucklehead of a cheese eating rat boy like Junior Hemoglobin says we should try.

Then I can't forget the "Not in this life time category." Those are the ones where you would need a real miracle for it to happen. And so far I haven't found the place where they issue miracles so I could get put on the waiting list.

I did check with the Reverend Analbe once if he could put in a good word with God for me. But I never was very clear if he said yes. It is hard to figure out what he is saying when he talks with his mouth full of a jelly donut.

So I sort of figure that option wasn't going to work for me. And thus I just added that category to my list.

Meanwhile, I'm still working on revising the list too. I got a few more things to consider. Like the dummy section.

That when I have to put up with some knucklehead who tries to say what is easy and what is not who can't even manage to tie their shoes. They are always such experts who never have a clue of what they are talking about.

But naturally, of all the jerks I have to listen to the ones that don't have any idea what they are saying seem the most insistent upon telling me what is easy. Only they never bother to actually do any of the stuff themselves you understand. That would be too much work.

I also going to start a "You should have known better category." That is like when are driving with the gas gauge on empty and keep telling yourself you are okay for a few more miles.

I guess sometimes not easy and stupid sort of go together. Hopefully, we don't have to get a case of the stupids and lazy butt at the same time. That really makes for a bad day. And who needs any extra of those?

Thought for the week: "Are people who write graffitti all prophets? They must be because my buddy Otis says you know when something is going to happen by the handwriting on the wall."


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