Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I tell you one thing, if you do any begging or borrowing without telling the person you are doing either, you probably will need to do some serious time kneeling. That is kind of a good rule. Begging and borrowing are only cool when the person you are begging or borrowing from knows about it.

Otherwise there is this stupid law that says you are guilty of stealing. Hey, it is my fault the person is gone when I need whatever I need from them?

You try explaining that to some big cop with no sense of humor. And maybe he will let you finish explaining before he decides to use his nightstick to do his talking or have yo measured for a handcuff bracelet.

At least I guess I'm grateful when they don't end up deciding to use their gun to deal with the problem. Having your body left filled with bullet holes is not a good way to start the day or end it for that matter.

That is why when it comes to this business of begging or borrowing I have sort of tried to keep it simple. No doing either unless the person knows about it.

Which can get even more complicated at times. Because you can end up with a situation where you have somebody that forget stuff.

And if you call them on the phone and they say, "Oh yeah, no problem, come and get it." That is great if they remember.

Which is really a mess if you decide to go over there and the person isn't home and then forgot to leave a key. So you figure a way to get into the house and then the next thing you know the cops happen to show up because the darn alarm went off.

Man it really sucks when you are standing there holding say a television you were told it was okay to borrow and the person isn't home. Then when you try to explain it to the cops and they call the person the say they can't remember. Talk about a major headache.

You can bet it will lead to a major headache if that cops decides that you were fibbing even if you weren't. By the time you get through kneeling and trying to explain it can all be for no good.

About the only good you get out if is when they knock you unconscious if you were on your knees you don't have quite as far to fall to the ground. It just sort of makes the falling part less of a problem.

So kneeling can be a good thing. It isn't as good as having the person tell the cop that everything is okay. Wish that happen more often.

But it really bugs me when I ask somebody to borrow something and a year later when I go to get it they tell the cops they can't remember. That can be painful in more ways than one.


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