Sunday, January 21, 2007


Okay I think somebody has got a serious problem when they start talking about singing in colors. I'm sorry, but I ain't falling for that one.

Now in case you were like born under a bush or something and don't know the difference, music you hear, colors you see. That ought to be plain enough.

But as clear as it might seem, that doesn't apparently work for some people. Can you believe they have people out there who still claim they sing the blues? I mean I ask you is that crazy or what?

And why does it have to be the blues? Couldn't it be like the reds or greens or whatever? I don't know, it seems like they are just talking weird when they talk about singing some color.

Now if they were talking and saying singing about a color that would be different. Although it would be kind of hard to figure how much of a song you can make over a single color.

Take blue for example. Well it is blue. What else is there to say? I can't think of too much unless you are going to start rambling about how all the stuff that is blue in color. I suppose that would work for some people.

It wouldn't impress me much though. I just think it would be boring. That is because after you mentioned a couple of blue things I would get the idea and then sort of lose interest.

But apparently that isn't enough for some people. Some are so hung up on the color blue that they become what are called blues singers. I got to tell you it is hard for me to imagine how you can make any money for something like that.

Shoot if you can get paid for getting up and just singing over and over again "blue, blue, blue," then all I can say is some people's idea of entertainment is sure strange. I don't know I guess it takes all kind to enjoy life. And apparently some don't need a whole lot of effort to have a reason to enjoy.

So for those who get a kick out of hearing somebody sing blue, blue, blue over and over I take off my beanie as a salute. Although, no offense intended, I got a feeling considering your idea of fun that you would probably think that was fascinating. Which is okay I guess.

But as for me I think I'll stick with enjoying colors as they apply to things I can see like with jelly beans. So the rest can spend their time singing about blue. I'll spend my time shoving blue jelly beans into my mouth. Now that is the kind of music I can really enjoy and I don't even have to listen to it. As for the rest, just do me a favor and sing the blues when I'm not around.


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