Saturday, January 20, 2007


Ah, there is nothing more magical and special to me than a nice row of cleaned socks dangling on some clothesline while they are drying. They sort of represent hope. You just know the person who washed them wouldn't do so unless they thought things were going to get better or at least not worse.

Yep, for me that is one of the nice things about life. You can always find the most interesting places to notice the little ways some people show their confidence in tomorrow.

Now you might thing I'm making way too much about a group of socks, but I think that is one of the problems. There are just too many folks who have lost their ability to believe. They just can't bring themselves to have any hope.

Which is really sad. Maybe it isn't quite as bad as those who believe in junk that is totally stupid. Them you have to just feel sorry for.

But they the people would can't find a single reason to look at tomorrow and get excited, well that will always be a tragedy to me. I don't know, but in my case as long as I know there will always be more Saturdays, I'm cool.

Those are when the candy store have their special sales on jelly beans. I don't know, but for me as long as I know I'm going to get a break on the cost of jelly beans once and a just always am left with a reason to smile no matter how crappy a given day happens to turn out.

I do appreciate how there are a lot of people who just can't find a reason to get excited about something as great as jelly beans. That's okay. I'm not saying that jelly beans are the most perfect thing on the planet.

I do admit I have trouble of thinking of much that is really better, but I do confess I can see how not everyone will agree with my feeling on that subject. And I'm even willing to listen if they want to tell me about something better.

Only I hope they can come up with something that makes sense. This one person told me that world peace was the most important thing.

That was kind of weird to me. The last I heard the world wasn't even mad at everyone. Oh you got some real crazies out there who are pissed off, but the world itself?

It is just another of those deals where I have to sit and kind of scratch my head. After all it there really a reason to think that the whole world is sitting there waiting to beat up on us folks? I figure at best it is probably a little grumpy. I mean you could hardly blame the world for being a little grumpy what we all the times people do rude stuff like piss in the swimming pool. But I can't image the world being the kind to hold a grudge. At least not that I've heard. Maybe it is just a case of needing a few rows of clean socks drying to make the world stop being so grumpy.


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