Saturday, January 13, 2007


I hate when I hear those words. Mainly because I end up hearing them from old rat boy Junior Hemoglobin. He is such a pain in that regard.

See what happens is my buddy Otis and I will be running an errand from Junior's dad, Dr. Hemoglobin and then Junior will say, "Along the way go by and...." It is the and part that really pisses me off.

Because you can be sure it is not going to be somewhere fun to go. It will be a pain in the butt big time.

Of course most of the time with Junior that is going to involve something like picking up cheese. That darn cheese addict will always manage to bug us with making us go somewhere that isn't on the way to pick up his stupid cheese.

What really makes it a pain is that the place will normally not be anywhere near where we are going. It can be miles out of the way.

Oh believe me we try to get out of it, but Junior will keep bugging us till we finally agree to go by and pick up the cheese. Junior has plenty of ways to make sure we do that if we complain too much. He's so dang much of a pain in that regard, but we have just learned to not resist too much otherwise he'll figure a way to make it worse.

Otis is pretty good at figuring ways of dodging Junior sometimes. Like making sure we sneak out of headquarters before he has a chance to tell us some along the way place he wants us to go.

What I really like is when we are able to do something like get in the garbage truck before he talks to us. Then we just pretend our radio is not working.

I truly enjoy when we have him call us and we keep acting like we can't hear him on the radio. He gets so crazy when we just keep saying "what? what?" to his calls.

But then that isn't something we can get away with every time. On some occasions we manage to pretend that we got lost trying to find the place he wants us to find.

The only problem is that I understand Junior is working on getting new radios and also putting maps in every truck. Guess it will be time to come up with a new excuse down the road.

I think I'll leave that part to Otis. He's a lot better at that kind of thing than I am. Right now all I can think of is coming up with some kind of stuff about a trash monster that ate our radio.

Well, I won't worry about it forever. The best thing I can do is keep practicing hiding in the locker room. But one can only stay inside a locker full of sweaty trash man clothes so long. Guess I should plan on washing more often.


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