Wednesday, January 03, 2007


That's right, don't blame me, it wasn't my fault. And even if you think it was, then you are mistaken since I was nowhere near where the problem took place.

I'm just practicing I guess for when I have to say that. It really is a great phrase when you get away with saying it.

I was giving this a thought after I saw this really old bumper sticker that said something about don't blame me I vote for — only I could read that rest of it. But it got me thinking, does voting give you a cool excuse to avoid admitting you did something wrong?

I sure hope so because man it would be so great to be able to avoid getting in trouble by saying something about how you were off voting at the time so you couldn't be the one to blame for whatever. Then the one thing that sort of bugged me was that since you can vote all the time that sort of cuts down on when this would work.

So I suppose the best way to help with this would be to get to vote more often. Which means we need more reasons to vote. Something good would help I bet.

Only I don't think I want to listen to a bunch of politicians giving more speeches. Lord knows they give enough of them as it is.

So we just got to find other stuff to vote for. Heck, I figure we could like make up extra things to vote for.

Yeah and since you always hear them complaining about poor voter turn out I bet they would be so dang happy if suddenly everyone started voted. Now you got to admit that would be a good solution.

Oh I know we got a problem with the idea of how too many people would start trying to avoid blame for whatever. So we might have to do something to take turns on that part.

But then I have heard of that thing about being registered to vote. Which I take it means we could create a bunch of waiting lists.

That way you would know when you could like say not to get blamed for someone and when you would be out of luck on that excuse. Yeah, this is sounding so much better the more I think of it.

Now, don't go spreading it around, but just a thought here, you could like plan the stuff you didn't want to get blamed for to only be done when you were voting. Ah, like I said, don't spread it around.

No sense messing up things for the rest of us by blabbing that to everyone. There would be no way to avoid the blame for that voting or not voting.


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