Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Yeah, you do that. Not sure how far it will really get you, but you can try. Only the people who made up this saying never seem to get around to explaining why the Marines would be all that nosy? Funny, but I just never associate gossip with guards who are trained to kill people. I don't know, they jus don't seem to go together if you ask me.

I just have trouble you know with the idea of a bunch of Marines invading somewhere and then stopping to grab the enemy and ask, "Hear any good gossip lately?" Course that would be before they shot the person full of holes or whatever else the Marines would do with their enemies.

I just can't imagine them sitting around having a cup of coffee or tea and some cookies and chatting with whoever. That kind of sounds a little unlikely to me.

Which makes me wonder why they want you to tell it to the Marines. I'm sure they have their reasons. Maybe they get bored running around and blowing things up and need a laugh or two.

But you know I would be kind of concern if that was the case. I mean what if you told them a joke and they didn't think it was funny? I don't think I would want one of them responding by shoving a hand grenade up my nose and pulling the pin.

You just can't say what a guy who messes around with machine guns and bombs would think is funny. I'm not all that sure I'm ready to find out.

I suppose I could call up one of the Marine places and ask. That is provided they were out drilling or killing or whatever they do when not invading junk.

But then it would be my luck I would get some guy on the phone with no sense of humor and got pissed off by my even asking. Personally, I would not care to be run over by a tank or something. That kind of thing would sort of ruin my beanie.

So I reckon the safest thing for me to do is just kind of not try to ask them the question. Or maybe I'll get somebody else to ask.

Yeah, that is it. I'll ask old Colonel Stickemstill to see if he can tell me what the big deal is. Only problem with him is that he thinks everything is a communist plot to take over the world. Somehow I never quite got him to not tell me that whatever the question it means you need to drop bombs.

But perhaps I can ask him without really asking him. Like start a conversation about the weather and slowly move on to wondering why Marines need to be told whatever.

Hopefully, he would suggest that we blow something up with a bomb. Right now, I'm fresh out of them to be honest. And since it isn't even close to the Fourth of July, I will have to wait a while before I get to buy anything that explodes.


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