Saturday, December 23, 2006


I hope you are paying intention. Because reading this might save your life. Well, that's what I've heard when reading some junk. Which always has to do with IT.

Only the it seems to change from time to time. That really bugs me since you know I think IT ought to be well, IT. An it is one thing, not a bazillion.

But that isn't the way it works. Nope, it is always more than one thing. And that really bugs me.

Because you know it is. It is the thing they have in movies that comes from space and plans on taking over the world. That always happens after it, whatever that it is, ends up eating a bunch of army dudes, messing around with some women and then maybe says it comes in peace.

Or it is that darn and dreaded thing you are suppose to fear that they talk about in the news. Now it would be cool if the it was only one thing.

However, it can have so darn many different shapes and sizes. That is disgusting. Which is something I wish they would fix.

I mean shoot, worrying is a lot of work. I want to keep my panic simple not complicated. Having too many ITS to worry about is just plain exhausting.

So I hope some of these people who come up with these ITS will cut us some slack and sort of simplify the process. I would really appreciate it.

Then if they really want to make like easier perhaps they could like downgrade or whatever you do to an IT to make it like say a THE. The's seem to be less of a threat because you know there is always more than one the.

I'm not sure though that the people in charge of IT naming are going to be willing to help out. After all those are also the people they call the THEY. And we all know that such crummy people are always out thinking up plots to steal your cookies and poke around your underwear drawer. Yeah, they are the really sneaky dudes you can't really trust.

That is why I guess they are the they. Because otherwise they might be more inclined to be pals and act less crappy.

Anyway, I'm going to see if I can find the they types and see if they will rewrite some of these its. You know so we can all stop having so many things to worry about.

Then too I suppose I ought to worry about what if in telling them I end up getting them all jazzed to invent more ITS? See, I haven't even talked to them yet and I already am getting zap by their they force. Say that force thing in a movie once. Weird dude who ran around a lot in a black cape with a stupid looking black trash can on his head. Oh well, if he is part of the they, I'll just send him an email.


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