Thursday, December 21, 2006


Somebody made a whole song about this thing. What is the big deal? How hard is it to answer that very question? After all where would flour go? All you got to do is ask the bakers.

So the way I figure if these guy who was singing this song would have just shut up and asked somebody he wouldn't have had to make such a silly song. You really got to wonder about some people.

Now I know there are all kinds of flowers. There is the kind for white bread and then also for brown bread. Why they call that hole wheat I'm not sure. Guess the white part fell through the hole and just left the brown part or something.

What I really want to know is how they make the one kind of flour that when they bake it comes out already sliced. Now that is some trick if you ask me. I mean it is so cool to see how incredibly neatly it gets sliced while baking so when you pick up that loaf it is just perfect for sandwiches, which is really cool.

Boy the dude that figured that out must be some kind of genius. Oh yeah, a real incredibly smart dude.

The way I figure it the baking thing must involve distilled water. That is the kind that stays still and doesn't move around. Not sure how you get water to not move, but it is amazing what they can do with machines these days.

Anyway that really is amazing the way it is all sliced so wonderfully. Oh and I suppose we have to mention when I guess the flour don't work quite right.

I guess it kinds of gets confused in the baking and gets all crooked and comes out as a pretzel. Maybe that is the type of flour the guy was wondering where it went in that song since it is hard to see it when the bread ends up all bent.

I reckon for myself though, I'm just happy when it turns into bread. You know I wonder if they could use some of that sliced flour kind into things like cakes and brownies. It sure would make them easier to eat if they were already sliced huh?

Gee, I wonder if by chance that stuff called yeast makes any difference? That probably is something that you get while yawning and thinking about the east. Well not sure how that affects the flour though.

I suppose sometimes I'll have to visit a bakery and asked them directly. Do you reckon they would tell me?

Perhaps if I dressed like a baker. Gosh, I ain't got no clothes that are all white. Perhaps I just need to you know dump a bunch of flour on me. Then I bet I would fit right it. Worth a try I suppose.


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