Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Okay let me say this from the beginning, if you are thinking about swiping something it better be to clean off a mess with a rag. Because if you try and swipe my card I'll reward with a wooden bashing kind of thank you.

Who is the knucklehead that came up with this idea anyway? I just have to ask because it really sucks if you as me.

There I was in the store the other day and they had one of these little credit card machines and right on it I saw the words, swipe you card. Who at the darn credit card companies is encourage people to go around stealing other people's cards. This is really awful if you asked me.

And you can be that when I saw that message I pointed it out to the lady behind the counter. She sure got weird at that point when I refused to give her my card after I picked out what I wanted to buy.

I told her, "No way lady, you ain't swiping my card. And I sure ain't going to willingly let you steal it either."

Boy did I show her. That was right up to the point that she had those two really big security guards show me the door. Of all the nerve, let me tell you, hauling my butt out of that store just because I refused to let them steal my card.

Now what really bugged me is that apparently there are a whole lot of stores where they got some mean people who expect you to let them swipe your card. I tell you it is just pathetic that this kind of practice is going on.

I tell you I figured the best thing to do was to call the credit card company and report all those darn jerks for trying to be so sneaky. I guess I had some kind of problem with my phone though.

Every time I got somebody from the credit card company on the phone and was explaining the problem to them for some reason I got disconnected. Made me wonder if they were in on this attempt to swipe your card.

Well, I'm not going to let these dudes get away with this much longer. Why I've already been spending time calling up the customer service departments of these stores to let them know the kinds of people they got working there.

Man, this telephone problem is such a pain. Every time I manage to talk to one of them I get cut off just like with the credit card people. Makes me wonder if you know the phone company ought to be the ones I call next.

I might consider that, but they were so rude when I called up the other day and wanted the area code for Heaven. Hey, I just wanted to say Hi to God.


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