Sunday, December 10, 2006


How come so many things in life require you to have a test before you can do whatever? Personally, I think it is a conspiracy by people who make up tests. If they were out having a good time they wouldn't need to be thinking about tests.

It just doesn't seem right to me that's all. You should be able to find a better way of doing some stuff without getting zapped with a need for some test.

Take driving for example? I mean I can sort of see where they want you to prove you can drive. Oh I suppose you could just stand there and hold your hands up like you were driving and makes sounds like a car engine. But okay, I guess having you actually get behind the steering wheel and drive somewhere sort of makes sense.

I just don't like that they expect you to take a written test too. After all what has me being able to read or use a ink pen got to do with my being able to drive? Again that to me is all about the people who think up tests and not about driving.

And if that wasn't bad enough, then if you do get through the written test and the driving test they expect you to take an eye test. What the heck is that all about? I mean the knucklehead behind the counter can see I have eyes! So why give me some lame need to look at letters on a chart is silly. At least they could learn how to spell. I was staring at some of those words and let me tell you, they were definitely either some foreign language or spelled really bad.

I tried to ask that dude behind the counter about all that stuff, but he just didn't seem to want to explain. Pretty rude too, just didn't want to chat at all once I started talking to him about those tests.

But getting a driver's license isn't the only place where you find people with weird ideas about test. The other place that bugs me is with doctors.

Where did they get the idea of blood tests? Now I ask you is there anyone breathing who doesn't also have blood? So how come they got to have us take some test just to determine if we actually have blood?

After all they were the ones who went to school to learn medicine. What the heck are they teaching these guys if they don't already know you got to have blood just to be alive?

Boy it sure doesn't make sense too me. I tell you when you consider how much doctor's charge you would think they could at least study up better on stuff like blood. At least they ought to you know only need to check on one blood test to know people who are living have blood. Why they have to keep testing is beyond me.

Unless for some reason they think there are a lot more like vampires out there than the rest of us. But if that is the case, I suppose I would rather not know anyway.


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