Saturday, December 09, 2006


Ain't this just the best feeling in the whole wide world. Invited means you're it. You're in the in crowd. Just doing spiffy as part of some inner circle.

Never have been able to see that circle anywhere whether it is inner or outer, but I guess it is there just the same. And all I know is if you are in the inner circle of whatever it is a good thing. It means you are cool.

Course I don't go out of my way to get invited to junk. I mean I do enjoy it, but sometimes I just guess I look forward to it more than others.

That happens in the most unusual ways too. You can just be sitting there and whammo, you get invited to something great.

Take the other day for example. I was sitting in the living room when the mail came. And my buddy, Otis, brought me my mail.

Well there in the midst of all that cool mail where these businesses send you their things fill of discounts, there it was. This letter telling me I was invited. Oh yeah, it was amazing.

Here, I didn't even know these people and they invited me. Guess my fame as a grimefighter is bigger than I imagined. And it was sure nice to hear from those folks who thought enough of me to send me that invitation. I thought it was a great honor to have them think me worthy to join their club.

Yep, I just sat there and was totally stunned to think I was invited to belong to something where I could buy all kinds of CD's for a great price. And they were so cool to figure me the type of person that would fit into that club seeing how we had never even met.

I tell you that sure was a lot better than having to deal with that one neighbor of mine. That dude is so snooty. He had this special party a while back and I'm sure my invite must have gotten lost in the mail or something.

Well I didn't want to embarrass him by that fact so when I saw the party taking place I went on over and joined it. Boy you should have seen the look on his face when I came through the door.

Frankly, it was kind of a dull party anyway. They call it a "Black Tie" affair. Personally, I don't see what is good about having to wear a black tie, but I put one on. It didn't go that well with my beanie and red sneakers or yellow overalls, but I figured if that was important to him, I'd go along. Those other dudes were all dressed like penguins thought Glad I didn't have to wear one of those stupid suits.

Anyway, I showed up and they were all sitting around looking at some painting and listening to this group of people playing what they called chamber music, but I never saw any chambers so I got no idea what that was about. As for that painting, well it was okay. The artist was pretty good too. I couldn't see any place where he mess up on staying in the lines like I might of with those paint by number things. Although, I never put my name on my paintings like this guy Picasso. Funny what some people think is cool ain't it.


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