Monday, December 04, 2006


Do you have probably with your nose running very much? Man there are times when mine is like some leaking faucet. Drip, drip, drip. I hate it!

But I guess it is one of those things that you just have to live with. Why is it people who say that always do so when they aren't having the problem? Talk about a time when you aren't helping, that is it for me man.

Anyway, whenever my nose gets in one of these leaking faucet moods, I just keep reminding myself it isn't forever. I got to admit at the time it doesn't always help, but sometimes it is a good thing.

Still, when I find myself having to lug around some hanky all the time, I do think in terms of how I might get that problem fixed more permanently. I just haven't figure out the solution yet.

I've heard of people getting nose jobs. I don't know where you get one, but I can't help wondering if there is like somebody who is a doctor that moonlights as a plumber that may have figured out a way to solve the problem.

And I bet it is one of those plastic surgeon types of doctors. Yeah, I reckon a guy who spends a lot of time operating on plastic as a doctor would have this problem taken care of.

Or perhaps it is one of those types of doctors does that cosmetic surgery. But then I imagine that would involve wearing some make up and I'm not into that.

So I guess outside of finding one of those plastic surgeon dudes I might go out and check with a few plumbers.

Perhaps I'll find one that wears a surgeon's mask or one of those stethoscopes that doctors are always wearing. Gee, if I do find one, I wonder if he will give me a shot at one of those types of deals where I don't have to worry about my nose running again.

Although I wouldn't be crazy about the idea of him say shoving a faucet up my nose. That wouldn't work for me.

I mean it ain't that I have anything against faucets and all, but I just don't figure I want one in my nose. I just think it might hurt that's all.

Well, I guess I'll just have to keep checking on the options in this situation. I'm sure they are out there somewhere.

And if I happen to find them, I'll let you know. Well providing it don't involve a faucet up you nose. I don't want anyone come knocking on my door saying it was my fault that happen to them.


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