Friday, November 24, 2006


Man does this sound scary. I mean do the hills have monsters lurking in them wait to gobble us up if we visit?

I do have to ask you know. It seems like a fair question. I know I saw this movie once where there was this one lady standing on a hill and singing about the hills being alive. Only what she said didn't make a whole lot of sense.

She talked about them being alive with the sound of music. I don't reckon that would be a bad thing, except I never saw a singing musical instrument on the hills she was singing about. Sounded like she had other problems if she was imagining their were instruments on the hills when there weren't any.

Plus even if you did see any instruments there were no musicians around play them. Perhaps that lady had you know some imaginary musicians to go with her imaginary instruments.

Oh maybe she just heard music that was never there. I know there are some strange people like that. None I plan on hanging with though.

Well in any case, if thinking the hills are alive ends up making you go kind of strange like what happen with that lady then forget it. First of all she ended up being a none. They never explained what none we was lacking, but her mother sure thought she was some big deal. Because that lady called her mother superior. I guess that is okay.

Anyway somewhere in all of this she met some guy who spend time hanging around with all his kids who were into singing too. He spent time messes with traps. They never explained if they were for mice or bears or what.

By the end of the movie though they all got up on some stage and started singing to a whole bunch of people before they went for a picnic in the hills again. Guess they were sure hung up on the hills whether they had music or not.

As for me, unless somebody can guarantee me nothing weird is going to happen if those hills come alive, I think I'll stay in the city. I figure there is no reason to go out and look for trouble without a reason.

As for the other people who see things like music that isn't really there, well that's okay I suppose. I imagine as long as they stay out in them hills and don't come over and bug me that is okay.

Well if they do happen to come over I just hope they don't bring any of those imaginary musicians then that will be okay. All I can hope is that they leave the hills in the hills and don't bring any dirt with them. With my luck it would be something like bear turds or something else equally disgusting. And unless it is imaginary then they better be left with that music that isn't there.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "It is one for the money and two for the show. Which only makes sense since one would have to have money for two to go to a show."


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