Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I heard this said in a song once. Now I got no idea how anybody could break a morning. Well I don't have an idea of how morning could need money either if you are talking about that kind of broke.

What I do know is that the dude who sang that song obvious was aware of what it meant to be broke. So how come he couldn't take the time to fix it? Instead of his rambling on and on about it being broke why didn't he just shut up and fix it or get it a loan on something?

That is the problem that bugs me with situations like this. You always got some wise guy out there who run around griping about junk and never ever do a thing to make things better.

So I think instead of shoot his mouth off about morning is broken I think it would have been so much better he could have said, "morning is under repair." At least that way none of us would have had to worry about what terrible tragedy might have been lurking from having a broken morning.

I still worry about how you fix a broken morning? It ain't like you can put a band-aid on it. Heck, I don't know where you would even find such a thing. I know they make some big band-aids, but I ain't ever heard of one that big.

Then what is if is broken like a broken leg? Man where did you get a cast to fit the whole sky? I don't even want to ask about that one.

What I get kind of concern over too is that nobody ever bothers to explain if we are like suppose to panic over this or what? I sure hate to think of all the strange junk that might happen from having a broken morning. I mean does that suggest something like dawn is all messed up too.

I did worry about that for a while, then it sort of occurred to me that perhaps the big problem with this is that the person doing all that singing might have just imagined it. You know how if you feeling good you can sort of start imagining things.

And you know if by chance say he woke up too early and it was still dark and he looked at the clock and misread it, well you can sort of appreciate how that might lead to some crazy ideas. Yeah, that makes a whole more sense than believing something as big as morning honestly got broken.

Anyway, I'm used to hearing weird junk at times. Maybe too much of it. But most of the time it seems I do know the really weird junk from the so-so weird junk.

So I reckon we don't have to fret too much that a broken morning is going to ruin our day. I mean that could happen I suppose, but for the moment I just think I'll play it safe an turn off my radio when that song comes on.


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